Pimp My Pandora

Being able to provide your own logo on ordering may be a good idea, but that would be an expensive and administrative nightmare.
I believe it's called... personalisation! Or personalization, depending on where you come from.
quartercast said:
yaustar said:
Considering it is Linux based, how about a Tux logo?
Why would you want to make the sleek and stealthy Pandora look geeky and daggy?

AFAIK the Pandora is a very geeky thing. :D

I imagine a oversized Logo, 3Dimensional as Relief right made into the upper outer clamshell half to scare NDS and PSP to death!:


Something like this. :lol: Of course, someone with more Talent has to clean it. ^^

To much? ;)
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I think Craig mentioned that there was going to be a logo design contest thing at some point. Don't go giving away all your ideas before then ;)
Yrx said:
Eh. I wouldn't like any kind of decal. Maybe if it were etched/embossed into the plastic itself.
Thats what I mean, but in the red thats used for the keyboard.
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fusion_power said:
To much? ;)
I was just reminded of the 80s punk scene from that for some reason. impressive.

I'd like to suggest options for multiple coloured shells (like the NDS' Cherry red, onyx black, perl white and that pink colour, which I don't remember the name of.) meaning that they could either ship a certain colour or be changed by the user as an aftermarket mod (I'd love having a red, white, or black pandora)

honestly, I'd like to see a logo built onto the device, stickers are lame, and I'd never put them on, even if I thought they look nice, to me they just don't fit a professional quality device. Tux, while nice, is the linux mascot, not the pandora mascot (plus, even though i love penguins, I find Tux to be somehow grating, maybe it was all that time I spent in slackware trying to make it work on an ancient laptop back in the day)

I'd like to see a small simple logo that looks professional in either one of the corners, or dead center on the opposite side of the LCD (a la mac)

(my favorite is still the Xenosaga Vector Industries logo)
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Squidge said:
Being able to provide your own logo on ordering may be a good idea, but that would be an expensive and administrative nightmare.
Personally, I'd be willing to pay an extra for the option. It could be an opportunity to generate profit, if they could manage to get personalised devices for less that some customers like me would be willing to pay for the service.

I'll die for a boing-balled Pandora.

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Alright, I took the coat of arms that fusion_power made and bump-mapped it onto the lid of the Pandora. It is embossed as opposed to engraved (this can easily be changed).


I'd put it upside down if I was you. You want to see the logo in the right sense when open.

(And personally, I don't really like this logo... even if it explains what the Pandora is about, which is a very good think, I don't find it visually appealing. What the point of having "Open Source", Tux and a console displayed ? That's a bit redundant. Tux alone is enough to suggest it's Open Source friendly and Linux Based)
Clad said:
I'd put it upside down if I was you. You want to see the logo in the right sense when open.

(And personally, I don't really like this logo... even if it explains what the Pandora is about, which is a very good think, I don't find it visually appealing)
I'm just taking people's ideas, incorporating them into the Pandora model, rendering them, and posting them online. I'm not passing judgment on anything :D

EDIT: The only problem with having it upside-down for that reason is that nobody will see the back of the Pandora while it's open. It'll be facing toward the ground.
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Clad said:
I'd put it upside down if I was you. You want to see the logo in the right sense when open.

(And personally, I don't really like this logo... even if it explains what the Pandora is about, which is a very good think, I don't find it visually appealing)
i agree it should be rotated 180. I do like the logo though, but not as a logo.

that could be one hell of a bootsplash. Hey, could we put in an option for custom bootsplashes? That neon green GP2X screen hurt my eyes, and I wanted to change it since I got the darn thing.
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Joystick icon can use an extra button on both sides. That will make it look like a... a gesture at PSP, DS and stuff.
Alex. said:
fusion_power said:

Now that Pandora has an official coat of arms, we need to find it a war to start! :D

We are already in war. Console-War NEVER ends. ;)

Vorporeal said:
Alright, I took the coat of arms that fusion_power made and bump-mapped it onto the lid of the Pandora. It is embossed as opposed to engraved (this can easily be changed).
Cooool. B)
I've tried the same (over the whole Surface of the upper case) but mine doesn't look that good. Yes, A Crest is best embossed into the Material itself.

Clad said:
I'd put it upside down if I was you. You want to see the logo in the right sense when open.

(And personally, I don't really like this logo... even if it explains what the Pandora is about, which is a very good think, I don't find it visually appealing. What the point of having "Open Source", Tux and a console displayed ? That's a bit redundant. Tux alone is enough to suggest it's Open Source friendly and Linux Based)
Yes, it was just an Idea. Crests are usualy this way. The OPEN SOURCE is in the Swords to symbolizes the Fight. But I think I could delete the word "open" from "Open Pandora". "PANDORA" alone would do the Job.

Well I think everyone has another taste of Logos. The contest will be very interesting I think. :)
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Tobriand said:
Ok, I've got an idea, though I'm not skilled enough at computer art to make it. So let me describe it to those of you who are :) .

A box, in the style of a square shoebox, with the lid lifted open slightly and some smoke billowing out. Through the smoke, a set of demonic eyes is visible.
I'm not too great at photoshop, but I thought I'd try and visualise your idea, as I think it's a good one.

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Well considering what the main use of this thing will be by most here maybe this is a good logo: :P

Fusion_Power: AWESOME.

I'd post my idea, but I can't get Blender running to properly render a cube.

Here are some logos I've been thinking about lately (most likely due to my recent acquisition of Orange Box):

