Phew What A List!!!

The site realy looks greate!!! :)

(feelt a little scary when I discovered that I could change the status of a game just like that ... not having to log in or anything... but I guess it was only cuse I didn´t want to make something wrong..... I´m quite sure that Outrun works on GPEngine thou... so I hope it was okej) :P
Endurion posted on May 4 2005 at 01:00 PM said:
The site realy looks greate!!! :)

(feelt a little scary when I discovered that I could change the status of a game just like that ... not having to log in or anything... but I guess it was only cuse I didn´t want to make something wrong..... I´m quite sure that Outrun works on GPEngine thou... so I hope it was okej) :P

I have left as much of the site open to the community as possible. if you notice, you cannot edit or delete games or apps etc, only admins can do that, but status's and comments are open to all.

Adding games and apps are possible, but not in the DrMD section, as this is a definitive list.

As I said, I wanted this site to be open to you guys to do what you want with, I just provided you an iterface for the database :)
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WarmFluffyUK posted on May 3 2005 at 02:43 PM said:
Hey I like the site, did you write it all yourself, are you adept in php, mind me asking?

If so, are you looking for work, if so, I might be able to throw something your way from time to time. Just a thought...

Going thru that site, I see you need to plan your forms / tables / graphics a little more user friendly. If you are like me, you have progressed a lot since then, so if I am talking out of turn please forgive me. Otherwise, I can help you in programming - layout - graphic design - development if you like?

I do appologise if this post annoyed you, as I know any kind of constructive, or deconstructive critisism can be taken badly by some programers.
Thanks! That site was concieved on the way back from the GP32x meetup I believe, I designed it on the train home and wrote it up literally in a couple of evenings :) So I didn't put much thought into the user interface, plus it was two years ago. I have indeed improved quite a bit since then.

I would really appreciate some work since my current client is pretty much happy with my work (which was done on an informal, 'code features as I need them' basis) and I've got the time :)

Since my old hosting went down my portfolio is down, but in the meantime here's some sites I have designed or fully written.

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Rico posted on May 4 2005 at 02:34 PM said:
WarmFluffyUK posted on May 3 2005 at 02:43 PM said:
Hey I like the site, did you write it all yourself, are you adept in php, mind me asking?

If so, are you looking for work, if so, I might be able to throw something your way from time to time. Just a thought...

Going thru that site, I see you need to plan your forms / tables / graphics a little more user friendly. If you are like me, you have progressed a lot since then, so if I am talking out of turn please forgive me. Otherwise, I can help you in programming - layout - graphic design - development if you like?

I do appologise if this post annoyed you, as I know any kind of constructive, or deconstructive critisism can be taken badly by some programers.
Thanks! That site was concieved on the way back from the GP32x meetup I believe, I designed it on the train home and wrote it up literally in a couple of evenings :) So I didn't put much thought into the user interface, plus it was two years ago. I have indeed improved quite a bit since then.

I would really appreciate some work since my current client is pretty much happy with my work (which was done on an informal, 'code features as I need them' basis) and I've got the time :)

Since my old hosting went down my portfolio is down, but in the meantime here's some designs I put together.

That's excelent, if I find I am busy, I will point them your way :)

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Hi Folks,

Well I have changed a lot more on the site now, two of the major things is the way the votes and the comments are handled. The vote system is now a rating system, and is tagged to the comments. So if you click on a game to see it's info, you can add a comment and give it a rating there.

The old vote links on the main games list page has now changed to Rate, this opens the comments window, you don't have to add a comment, you can just rate the game if you like.

Just a quick comment on the new Rating system: It's based on the average for the particular game you're viewing, so if only one person rates it, and they give it 5 stars, obviously the average for that game is 5 stars. If you feel a game doesn't deserve 5 stars, then you're going to have to add your own rating to the game, to average it out!

Hope you all like the new design, took me a while to implement it.

I will be changing another aspect of the site soon. At the moment certain parts of the site are open to anyone to add games etc. Soo only registered users on the site will be able to do that. But I haven't written the register screen etc yet. Tell me what you think of this, as if you prefer it the way it is I will leave it out!

Blah posted on May 7 2005 at 09:44 PM said:
I think there should be a "view by rating" and "view by status" option, if that isn't too much trouble. :)

Yeah that would be kewl, leave it ith me, lets see what I can come up with!
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I could create a sort by subject, depending on what headding you click on, will take me some time to restructure the searches and all the posts and post backs though, but I can do it :) would that be ok?

Scrap that it would make it way to complex for the end user,.

How about, I add to the alphabet tab, ad smiley and a star, this would search the database on status, or rating respectivly?
Hidehi folks,

I have added an extra two sort buttons in the games list. one is
, and the other is a
, here's what they do:

Lists all games that have had their status set by users in ascending order, so it's sort of a status sort. It won't show all the games, just the ones that have had their status set by visitors

Sorts the games by rating!

They are located in the letter strip near the top of the page, hope this will be useful!

Oh, even better. When I first saw that I thought you'd made your own forum style :)

Just had another look over it all, this thing's amazing, I'm going to go on a big rating spree now.
Another addition:

When you now view a game, you get a list of all the emu / system versions and the compatibility status plus message. So viewing a game now gives you just about all the info on one screen!!!
