Permanent Sound Mute Program


Aug 24, 2005
Would it be possible to make a program that, when executed once, will disable all sound output until a complete system reboot? This would be a good safeguard when using the GP2X in a public place, where others may be annoyed by such noises. I know Gmenu2x has a volume adjustment feature, but unfortunately it does not work on all software.

I know nothing about hardware programming, so I have no idea if such a thing can be achieved or not.

Thanks in advance to anyone who's interested in making this! :)
Get an old pair of headphones, cut off the jack and you have an instant, foolproof mute tool. You can even leave it in your GP2X case for when you need it.

I think I might do this myself.
There are ways of doing it in software, but the dummy headphone jack is by far the most efficient and easiest way of doing it.