Suggesting An Easy And Fun Program To Make

Thanks for the sources,

I have to understand all that .cpp files nows, the last time I code with C/C++ was 8 years ago....

After playing with SoundBox it appears it's not exactly what I need, here are the missing features :
- play multiple sounds at the same time
- display sounds filenames and keys bindings
- play mode for samples, first click to start, second click to pause and double click to stop
- a cool skin :D

What do you think ?
I think there are some good suggestions there some of which (interface/keybinding info) were already planned.
Feel free to play with the code and update me if you come up with something nice. :)
I don't know when I'll next work on SoundBox, but I will try at some point next week... or maybe this sunday...

EDIT: I also intend to add in auto format conversion (win2lin, mac2lin) so that you can use any editor to make the scripts...
EDIT2: I also think it should be trivial to make it play concurrent sounds... I do belive currently I use an if/else if setup for the sound keypresses. I just need to switch them to an if (this)/if(that) setup so that it checks all buttons.
Hey all,

I'm glad to see that there's some interest in this application...

Klatterbox - I'm not sure about this... seems like an odd way to install the program...
most people wouldn't bother... also there seems to be a strict file naming protocol
required... why?

Unfortunately "soundbox" doesn't work on my gp2x.... just a black screen :(

I'm sure it will work eventually.....

Also I may not have explained myself well enough before about what I have in mind...
(this may be what you have done/will do anyway.. but I tell you just in case....)

In the sounds folder there would be other folders indicating the names for each
sound bank. In each bank folder there will be a set of samples/mp3s that
will automatically map to the keys when the bank is selected....
(this mapping can be adjusted by user).

The good thing about the instant mapping is... that you want it to be as easy as
possible for people with limited technical ability to make sound banks... then we'll
have a great collection!

Anyway... I just want to thank everyone for their input on this project, especially
PokeParadox B) for doing all the real work.. thanks PP.


P.S. Where's the Dr. Who sound bank already! lol
If SoundBox is not working then you may be doing something wrong. If you use GMenu2X create the link to SoundBox and not SoundBox.gpe. (Since it takes advantage of GMenu2X's wrapper function)
If you are not using GMenu2X then just launch the gpe script. :) I hope that helps you get something other than a black screen. :)

I do agree that it would be nice to be able to have some form of graphical way to setup sound packs, etc and do button assignment, the only problem is I don't know a nice cross platform way of browsing directories...
Anyway, the scripting system is very simple, and I do intend to give a small explanation on the wiki page.
Any chance of further work being done on this???? :P

It would be nice if someone could incorporate some
of the other features into the program!!!

There is a chance, but I've been lazy busy recently. Apart from directory broswing/button mapping what are you looking for in terms of features?

Anyway I've got a few projects which I have to make time for SoundBox will get attention at some point, but I just don't know when... anyone is welcome to prat about with the source, however. :)