Calling For A Coder Interested In Tactics Game


May 3, 2006
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I think an original tactics game for the GP2x would be pretty sweet and it doesn't seem like it would be terrible to program. I know nothing beyond a high school C++ class when it comes to programming, but I can contribute graphics, story, mechanics, music, etc. If someone would be willing to do the coding.

General Idea:

You control main character (you can pick your class, which governs abilities) and a pet (you get to pick from like 3 pets when you start)

You move around on an overworld map and go to different areas.

Each area is a grid based map you can move around on and you fight different monsters.

All the normal tactics rules apply, such as if you hit something from behind you deal extra damage, etc.

We could start the game small and make maybe 3-5 areas, 5 level ups for character and pet, 10-20 monsters, 5-10 items, and 5-10 weapons, and 3 basic classes.

We can build on this gradually until we have about 10 areas, 20-30 monsters, 10-20 level ups, 10-20 items, 10-20 weapons, and 5-10 classes.

Anyone intersted in this idea can contribute sprites, sound effects, programming, mechanics, etc.. just reply.

Edit: I am guessing the hardest part would be coding the AI for enemies, but we could either set them on a determined path each level, or make it to where certain mobs rush you, certain run, certain don't mess with you unless you get to close.
Astropath posted on May 5 2006 at 02:50 AM said:
I wonder, if any of Gollop brothers knows about existence of GP2X?

Gollop Brothers?
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