Pcsx4All Starting A Game Help


Still Fresh
Jul 10, 2011
I have been trying to play final fantasy 7(I own this game by the way) to work on my caanoo with pcsx4all but I can not seem to get it to work. I can get the emulator to run and I can see the game and when I try to run it, it will go to a black screen for a second and then show the logo and go back to my list of games again. I have the bios inside the pcsx4all folder and outside the folder with the ini file and folder itself. The folder is in the game folder as well as outside of it. I pretty much put it everywhere to try to get the thing to work and I am still having issues. I can get other emulators to work just fine but I am having a lot of trouble with this one. Could someone please let me know what it is that I am doing wrong?

Edit: Well I got it to work but it hangs on the first battle. I looked around and heard it was supposed to 100% work so whats up?
Edit...again: If you go to the site it will tell you to change a couple of setting before you start the game and that seemed to get it to work. :)
try these for settings help to get your game running

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