Pcsx4All Not Showing Games


Still Fresh
Sep 13, 2011
when I booted up pcsx4all and tried to play a game that is in .bin .cue format it doesnt even show up as an option to click. All I see is the two freeware .exe games the emulator comes with. I tried moving it around to different folders and so on. Still no luck. If a game is not supported does it just not show up as an option to click or am I doing something wrong?

im using pcsx4all version 2.2 for the wiz & caanoo. Also, I made sure .bin .cue is lowercased.
All recognized extensions are showed in the directory listing. You must to put the .bin + .cue files in the isos folder.
I had a similar problem, which I solved by making sure the filename was lower case and didnt have any extra characters (like underscores etc)
Thanks a lot badmonkeyfinger! You solved my problem. Looks like I had too many underscores and junk in the title.
Hi, ive tried everything but the iso (crash bandicoot 3). Just goes black when i boot using pcsx4all . Can any1 help me. (newbie). Using caano sd card if helps.
not all games work. i've tried crash bandicoot 3 some time ago, too, and it didnt work.
Hey , ok does any1 knw of the games that do wrk with pcsx4all, ive downloaded mk4 but havent tried it yet no space on sd, might order 1. (later lookin 4 deals, And does caanoo support trensend 32gb sdhc class 10). It would help out alot if some1 knws games that wrk thanx. Im using the youshi emu pack for pcsx4all. Thanx for reply.
@Shah786 check my video of MK4 here - pause for settings :-)


ruffnutts :)
Ok, i will check it out later after wrk. (Im using phone). Does it matter what version the game is pal,ntsc,etc. & also can sme1 explain to me that sme iso games have 5-7 files for 1 game how to i convert them to a iso game for pcsx4all. Newbie
what are the files called?

Also dont for get to download the psx bios scph1001.bin and put it in the root of the pcsx4all folder as you will
Need it for games that need the bios to run when using the setting CPU Core, not all games run with out it....

ruffnutts :)
Ive got the file, but not sure if its in the right place. I have it in the games folder i think, it shows as a option in the iso folder when launching a game . (Corect me if in wroung place). thanx for the info. Nearly forgot mk4 runs good thanx for vid, ill try it out when i get my sdhc card.
Hey to all, my ? Is i dont know were to download the new version pcsx4all 2.2 emu , i got mine frm yoshi's pack v3 (good selection by the way) . And sure if that pcsx4all emu with the pack is the updated version. Pls any1 help
try this: http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/caanoo.cgi?0,0,0,0,71,612
Hello people, ok ive tried the obove link for updated v2.2 pcsx4all emu. (i installed it the same as copy & paste) but doesnt show on menu or in explorer. Thats my 1st prob, my 2nd prob is that when i boot a game (pcsx4all v2.0) it just takes me back to menu ive got the bios folder scph1001 does it av 2 b zipped or unzipped just confused now , ive 2 versions of mk4,mk triology. (zipped,unzipped) they av 3 files in fdolder & ive put them in iso folder with no luck. Can sme1 help cus this is really f****** gettng to me. (I spent all night trying different ways). If any1 knws were the best place to get r***s ar let me knw. Pls smebdy help
Off topic ? Does the caanoo play mp4 format videos through mplayer or os. Sorry if in wroug place new to these forums. HELP