raindog said:
Another playable game: Gauntlet legends.
About 40/60 - Bias 4 - Frameskip 0 - XA + CD audio. HLE - Overclock 820.
Yes, you are right raindog, Gauntlet Legend does work (although kinda slow, but my wiz can only run at Overclock 800, but is still playable)
Gauntlet Legends
* Status - Blue
* Filetype - ccd + img + sub
* Region - NTSC (although I don't know for sure, my roms don't say anything, better ask raindog for the ones he has)
* Wiz Clock - 800 (see notes)
* Ram Tweaks - ON
* FrameLimit - OFF
* FrameSkip - 0
* Sound - ON (XA + CD Audio)
* CPU Clock - 100%
* CPU Bias - 4
* CPU Core - HLE
* Game Fixes - No
* Notes - Is playable at overclock 800 although kinda slow. At 820 it may run faster but it's still very playable at 800
Thanks for the suggestion raindog, hope I helped somehow =)