mindlord said:
I tried to do something very similar to this awhile back, but instead of reinventing the wheel I started by melting aluminum for the hub, and mixing rubber for the tire. I got bogged down in the scripting language, 2D acceleration, and fiddly bits. If course I was trying to do this outside of X, using framebuffer only, so I didn't have a widget library to build off of, but I digress.
You've managed to clobber QT and webkit into something really slick. I like it a lot. How's the memory footprint compared to Pmenu?
PMenu uses 12.2 MiB excluding shared libs, Panorama uses between 8 MiB and 14 MiB (depending on the UI loaded) excluding shared libs.
Including shared libs, well... Qt takes quite a bit of RAM to run (about 5 MiB ideally, but I'll do real measurements soon), but you're using Qt for something else most of the time anyways so it's not a big loss. Also, I have no idea how much memory the OpenGL ES libs take (for PMenu's rendering), so I can't really compare the total memory...
EDIT: I might as well mention CPU usage... PMenu takes 100% CPU all of the time, Panorama uses 1% CPU when something is being animated, 8% CPU when application folders are scanned, and ~0% CPU when everything is static. This is measured on a Pentium 4 3GHz processor.
Another EDIT: May I remind you that Qt runs on the frame buffer, too? Just sayin'