Panjoust - A New Simple Platformer

Bump, still alive!

Had some very busy months with another project(for Android), but that has finally slowed down a bit, so i finally had some time again to work on Panjoust :)

Recent work done on the 2 player mode:

- The bug where the other player dies if you finish a level is fixed
- kill/collect/bonus score keeping for 2 players added to the framework
- End of level scorescreen adapted for 2 players
- Optional "Aggressive Mode" implemented, same characteristics as the arcade version, you bounce off each other, and if there is an obvious height difference, the one on top receives XX points from the one below. In peaceful mode you can just fly through each other, but there is still the collect/kill challenge.
- Fixed Wasp behavior for one and 2 player mode (were both broken somehow)
- some stuff i forgot

Main Todo:

- More arcade style score popup and fadeout on kill/collect/bonus (not too flashy, would not match the general style)
- fix Dragon for 2 players
- usb controller detection/config utility, might look at the source of PicoDrive (open, right?), for me that worked for 4 different controllers, seems solid. Raw scrips for controllers are apparently already working for Penjin, not tested with Panjoust yet though
- add/modify levels
- Lots and lots more...
- Bughunt

That two player mode seems to work nicely :). I could see myself having quality time with a friend playing this from a TV using wiimotes :P. The graphics are now based on GLES, right? Does the game scale with the window (with correct aspect ratio)? I'm guessing this would be for the engine to implement, though.
B-ZaR said:
That two player mode seems to work nicely :) . I could see myself having quality time with a friend playing this from a TV using wiimotes :P . The graphics are now based on GLES, right? Does the game scale with the window (with correct aspect ratio)? I'm guessing this would be for the engine to implement, though.
Yup, 2 player mode is getting better every day atm, thanks :)
And no, no scaling with the window. there is an option to launch fullscreen though (on pc). (although im not 100% sure thats what you meant, i'm stil no hardcore coder ; )
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Well, seeing the demo uploaded to the Repo (even if it's not the latest one) motivated me to finally try it out. The graphics and sound are really impressive. The main trouble for me is with the controls, particularly that the acceleration is really heavy. Once you set course and jump, it almost impossible to do any sort of course corrections in the air such as turning around. Would it be possible to make controls more responsive? After all, it's hard to calculate everything BEFORE you jump, since the enemies in the air are moving around, so it ends up being more like chance whether you die or not.

Unless this is already changed in the new version.

Also, I couldn't finish the second level. I overshot the little shack on the right and bumped into the end of the level, and then when I entered the shack I just passed right through it, so I have no idea how the level is supposed to be completed...
^ I think that's by design. You change directions by flapping your wings while turning. This combined with the limited amount of flaps gives the game unique control.
Also in some levels (if not all) you have to meet certain requirements to be able to enter the exit.
Keep an eye out of the egg and enemy counter at the bottom of the screen.
Whoops, i hardly visited this forum the past 2 months or so, totally missed the new replies.

About the movement: in my local version it's SLIGHTLY easier to change course, so thats good.
Also, the new version has selectable difficulty, so on easiest mode (wussy mode) you don't run out of wingflaps and drop like a brick anymore, that should simplify things for newbies. Less score though...

@Nick May: Thanks for the offer, but i'm a bit busy with another project atm. No worries though, Panjoust will get finished some day! Don't want all that awesome music to be wasted on a mere demo ;) Just need to get my motivation up again for this project.

Thanks, and Cheers!