Pandora''s Type Classification

I also hate Apple, but I don't get into Mac v. PC debates because the actual argument is Windows versus Mac OS X, and Linux already had dibs on me since I'm a CS major.

It's really about the acronyms.
Today Slashdot covered some research paper about how chimpanzees have GPS or something.

First the PIN number.
Then the Personal Computer that isn't a PC.
Then the chimps with obviously non-global GPS.
Then the Source engine. Nothing to do with open or closed source. There is nothing special about it source.

I'm afraid USB hard drives will be excluded from the class of USB drives before long.

And Intel redefined Trust to mean "Does what we like" years ago and nobody told me.
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Them: "Ooooo, what's that?"

Me: "It's mine. Go away."

But really, I'm just going to tell them it's a Pandora. It doesn't fall into any particular category, therefore -- painful and repetitive though it may be -- I will simply call it a Pandora and then explain to them what it does.
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'David Bowman' said:
Them: "Ooooo, what's that?"

Me: "It's mine. Go away."

But really, I'm just going to tell them it's a Pandora. It doesn't fall into any particular category, therefore -- painful and repetitive though it may be -- I will simply call it a Pandora and then explain to them what it does.
Same here, but anyway, here goes:
  • It's small enough to fit in your pocket, but not smaller, so it's a Pocket device. Thus "P"
  • What's it used for mostly? Most people will have for gaming and media playing, sumed up "Entertainment" "E"
  • It has many other capabilities just like a Computer, so "C"? Or maybe a Terminal? Device? Whatever? I don't know, I'm stuck there. :p
A "Pocket Entertainment Something" :unsure: I'm all for pocket.

Handheld is not really neccesary, if someone sees you playing with your Pandora and goes "what is that?", it's in your hand, duh. :D

But then again Pandora is unique.
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'B-ZaR' said:
Including gaming controls
Epic Nano-Architecture Intergrated Computer :D

Yes I know it's not Nano-Architecture. If anybody can think of a more appropriate word to fill the N gap, feel free.

I'll be sticking with Bob, though.

'Pleng' said:
'B-ZaR' said:
Including gaming controls
Epic Nano-Architecture Intergrated Computer :D

Yes I know it's not Nano-Architecture. If anybody can think of a more appropriate word to fill the N gap, feel free.

I'll be sticking with Bob, though.

Edit: Damn. Got the A and the I around the wrong way anyway! Too late, I gotta go to work!
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If I talk about it with my friends, I call it a gameboy that you can play playstation and older games on.

May not work well for marketing, but it works for me :)
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On second thought, it's already got a name.

Someone asks me what it is, I'll tell them it's a pandora, turn on the most kick ass emulator available for it at the time, and hand it to them.

Let them figure it out.
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I usually call it a micro-laptop, but with both gaming controls and keyboard and touch screen, and open source, so with tons of emulators, and way more powerful than PSP.

then if they are still interrested I answer the questions...
not a company, a bunch of dudes in UK.
3D Open GL ES 2, which means pixel shaders.
600 mHz ARM cpu.
256 MB of RAM.
'Tripmonkey_uk' said:
'barzoule' said:
not a company, a bunch of dudes in UK.
not a company, a bunch of dudes from all over the world ;)

Well, if one of them happens to be the Dude, then we're in business. But, I question how much of this speculation into some dudes he will abide. On the other hand as long as some Chinaman doesn't pee on his rug, I think he may keep on abiding.

Seriously though, do we need an answer beyond a Pandora or a handheld?
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I might go with "portable personal computer (not IBM-compatible)". Or with "small form-factor digital computing appliance". Or perhaps "rapidly field-deployable Unix workstation". If I feel particularly 80-ish it might also be a "battery-backed 32-bit home computer with integrated screen".

Let's just go with "mobile teletypewriter" and have everyone wonder what an MTTY is supposed to be.
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Thanks to the huge advent of netbooks on the market a lot of people are seeing Pandora as one and an inferior one at that (smaller, not x86..). It's not a netbook, but unfortunately since a netbook is all a lot of people want that's all they're going to see it as. It's a gaming device. Netbooks are not gaming devices.

I kind of wonder, if it lacked the keyboard and looked more like a traditional gaming handheld if it would be getting a totally different spin than it's getting right now.
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