Pandora's Emulators - What Will Work And What Won't

But if the hardware or rom can no longer be purchased through correct channels, doesnt this therefore make the rom like abandonware games?
I mean, If i bought a spectrum off ebay, the sinclair company arent going to get any royalty anway. Its not like I could ring commodre and buy an amiga and have support for it. Ok so with amiga you can purchase the roms from amiga forever, but not other old roms.
'timewarp' said:
But if the hardware or rom can no longer be purchased through correct channels, doesnt this therefore make the rom like abandonware games?
No. Not in the US or most other developed countries. "Abandonware" is a term made up by gamers and has no legal protection (there is an exemption in the DMCA regarding outdated hardware, but it doesn't really apply here). Depending on whose lawyer you ask, emulation of video game consoles is either completely illegal all of the time, or only mostly illegal with a few exceptions (none of which apply to you).

There are hundreds of pages of legalese (many of them contradicting each other) that make up the laws which could possibly pertain to emulation. If you can afford an expensive enough lawyer, they can probably prove that what you're doing is totally within the law. If you can't, there are definitely lawyers that can prove that you're a felon. So ignore the question of whether it is legal, because that is irrelevant. Your best bet is to just not worry about it and do whatever you want, secure in the knowledge that nobody has ever been prosecuted for using emulators.

That said, this discussion is now over. Back on topic.
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'Chip' said:
There are hundreds of pages of legalese (many of them contradicting each other) that make up the laws which could possibly pertain to emulation. If you can afford an expensive enough lawyer, they can probably prove that what you're doing is totally within the law. If you can't, there are definitely lawyers that can prove that you're a felon. So ignore the question of whether it is legal, because that is irrelevant. Your best bet is to just not worry about it and do whatever you want, secure in the knowledge that nobody has ever been prosecuted for using emulators.
Emulation of the Sinclair machines is 100% legal, even when you include the copyrighted ROMs in the distribution.

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'typs lik dis' said:
They're obviously referring to the technical capability of a console. I'd say it's a bit of a stretch to interpret "power" in that context as referring to general influence on the market, how good its games are (actually, that one is _really_ far out), or whatever you're thinking of. How _do_ you define power, if not the way most people seem to?
Well obviously they are. I don't expect people outside of business to be arguing about its market power.

Without wanting to stray too far OT, the answer to your last question is "not that easily". Unless you are from the school of "Thing A has a thing that is 700 MHz, thing B has a thing that is only 294 MHz, therefore thing A is more powerful than thing B". And if you are, you are probably one of the YouTubers that says things in the Pandora videos like "This is lame, it should have X86".*

*Note: I do not believe you are from that school.

Sorry, I hate going all OT. Blame all this uncontainable energy on my Pandora enthusiasm.
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'timewarp' said:
If I own a console, eg PS1 or xbox, am I legally entitled to download its rom to run on a PS1 emulator? I would have thought so...
No. If you own the game, just rip it.
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I believe timewarp is referring to the BIOS image, which emulators for, say, the PSX, tend to require in order to work. ;)
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Maybe wait till you get a few games working before you hype peoples brains out too much ;)

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I updated Prophets list, perhaps a mod could put it on the first page, or I could make a new topic that links to this one if everyone thinks that is best, feel free to correct my mistake as I'm sure there are many. I'll try to keep this updated, just post news that I miss.

[Prophets super list]
As more people around the world discover the Pandora, we're likely to get many requests for emulators. This topic is designed to clarify what sort of emulators are likely to work very well on Pandora, what sort probably won't, and what *might* happen (depending on many variables). This list will also begin indicating emulators known to already be in development, and/or being planned by reputable developers.

Last Updated: 4/11/09 (scroll to the bottom of this post to see a detailed list of updates)

DO NOT expect to see emulators for every system in the list!

Systems colored in green are known to have emulators already being worked on (i.e. not just planned) using Pandora hardware. When possible, the name(s) of the developers will be listed.

Systems colored in yellow indicate a well known developer has publically declared intent to emulate, but have not yet received Pandora hardware. If more than one emulator is planned, each will have its dev(s) listed in seperate brackets.

Emulators that COULD work well on Pandora: (full speed emulation, full sound, rare frame skipping)

8bit consoles, computers and other platforms including (but not limited to):

Adventure Vision
Atari 2600/7800 [zx-81] [Tinnus->Little John]
Colecovision [zx-81]
Fairchild Channel F
Gameboy & Gameboy Color [Tinnus->Little John]
Intellivision [zx-81]
NES/Famicom/FDS [Tinnus->Little John]
Sega Master System & Game Gear
[Tinnus->Little John] [Cpasjuste->Psms*LINK* ]
Sega SG-1000 (pre-SMS console in Japan)
Vectrex [SDW->Vecx]

Amstrad [zx-81]
Apple II
Apple IIGS
Atari 800/XL/XE/5200 [zx-81]
Atari 800 [wesbrown18 *LINK* ]
BBC Micro (possible zx-81 port, not confirmed)
Commodore 64 [Gnostic - see here ]
Commodore PET
Commodore Plus/4 [zx-81]
Commodore VIC-20
Dragon 32/64
MSX [zx-81]
Oric 1
Sam Coupé [zx-81]
Sinclair QL
Sinclair Spectrum [Dio/Firefox->EMU]
Sinclair ZX-80/81 [zx-81]
Tandy Color Computer (CoCo) [zx-81]
Tandy TRS-80
Thompson TO7-70 [zx-81]
Z-Machine [SteveM->Frotz *LINK* ]
ZX Spectrum [SteveM->FUSE *LINK* ]

Arcade games from the 70's and 80's [Zodttd->MAME4ALL port]
+ various other systems from that era

16bit consoles, computers and other platforms including (but not limited to):

Amiga CD32
Atari Lynx
Genesis/Megadrive/SegaCD [Tinnus->Little John] [Notaz->Picodrive]
NeoGeo AES/MVS [Squidge->Finalburn Alpha] [Pepone & Cpasjuste->GnGeo*LINK* ]
NeoGeo CD
NeoGeo Pocket/Color [Tinnus->Little John]
Philips CDI
SNES [Squidge ->PandaSNES, see here ] [Tinnus->Little John]
Turbografx-16/PC-Engine/CD-ROM (technically an 8bit system but eh...) [Exophase->Temper port] [Cpasjuste->Hugo]
Wonderswan/Color [Tinnus->Little John]

286 DOS PC (& 386) [DJWillis->SCUMMVM] [Zodttd->DOSbox] [Pickle->DOSbox see here ]
Amiga [Notaz] [Gnostic]
Atari ST [Skeezix->OutcaST] Cpasjuste->Hatari
Atari 520 [Cpasjuste->Patari *LINK* ]
MacIntosh (early models i.e. 68000 based)
TI 99/4A [zx-81]
X68000 (Japanese computer with arcade quality graphics)

Arcade games from late 80's - 90's (i.e. M68000 based hardware etc.) [Squidge->Finalburn Alpha port] [Zodttd->MAME4ALL port]
TI-92 Calculator [zx-81]

32bit consoles, computers and other platforms including (but not limited to):

Atari Jaguar [Firefox - see here ]
Gameboy Advance [Exophase]
Playstation [ZodTTD & Tinnus *LINK* ]
Virtual Boy

386 DOS PC (& 286) [DJWillis->SCUMMVM] [Zodttd->DOSbox]

Arcade games (i.e. PSX based hardware) [MAME - not sure these would run at good speeds on Pandora though]

Emulators that MIGHT work decently on Pandora (these are all speculative!):
(playable w/frame skipping and/or no sound etc.)

Dreamcast [drkIIRaziel->nullDC, see here ]
NEC PC-FX (CD based JPN-only system with mostly FMV games)
Nintendo 64 (no active projects)
PSP [JayFoxRox->see here ]
Sega 32X [Notaz->Picodrive]

MacIntosh (later generations i.e. PowerPC based)

Emulators that probably will NOT work well on Pandora (these are all speculative!): (unplayable or just plain impossible)

Nintendo DS (might eventually move into the "work decently" tier, time will tell.)
Sega Saturn (altho 32bit, it's very messy hardware to emulate)
Playstation 2
486 based PC's and higher
Current mainstream consoles (Wii, PS3, 360 etc.)

These lists are preliminary and semi-speculative. But hopefully they give some idea of what Pandora's emulation furture will hold. As always in emulation, you never know what some brilliant dev will do in the future, but it's good to have a sense of proportion. Remember, Pandora is very powerful (easily surpassing all current handheld game devices) but it's not a miracle machine. So don't hold your breathe for things like Dreamcast or PS2 emulation - you'll only end up dying! wink.gif

Any mistakes or suggestions for additions/changes, please post below!

And remember:

DO NOT expect to see emulators for every system in the list!

5/26 - started indicating systems that are actually in development using Pandora dev hardware
5/27 - indicated that PSP emulation is being considered *LINK*-link is dead 4/11
5/27 - started yellow lighting declared emulators by well known devs who don't have Pandora hardware yet; added NeoGeo CD to list
5/28 - yellow lighted various classic systems since zx-81 announced intent to adapt his many emu ports for Pandora (including ZX-80/81, MSX, Intellivision, Thompson TO7-70, Amstrad, Atari 2600 & 7800, Sam Coupé, Commodore Plus/4, Colecovision, Atari 800/XL/5200, TI 92 calculator)
5/28 - moved Atari Jaguar to "work well" category and yellow lighted Firefox for intent to emulate smile.gif (Tempest 2000 on a handheld, yum!)
5/28 - semi-alphabetized "work well" & "work decently" lists in this order: consoles,computers,arcades,others
5/28 - removed "defining terms" section since this info is repeated in the list headers
5/28 - yellow lighted Pepone for a GnGeo (NeoGeo) port, and Tinnus for a Little John (NES, SNES, GB/C, SMS/GG, Genesis, NGP, Wonderswan/Color and Atari 2600 + possibly others!) port
5/28 - yellow lighted Genesis/Megadrive/SegaCD for Notaz' intended port of Picodrive
5/29 - yellow lighted Amiga having found this post by Gnostic :)
6/3 - yellow lighted all arcade sections in regards to the inevitable MAME port to Pandora
6/3 - yellow lighted TG16/PCE/CD in regards to Exophase indicating a port of Temper
6/4 - yellow lighted 286 & 386 PC in regards to SCUMMVM (it's an interpreter really but eh...) DOSbox is also likely but awaiting confirmation
6/5 - indicated DOSbox for x86
6/11 - yellow lighted TI-994A & Tandy Color Computer for zx-81, added MacIntosh, BBC Micro and NEC PC-FX to the list
6/11 - readded Gameboy & GB Color, must've accidentally deleted them when I alphabetized parts of the list
6/13 - added Sega SG-1000 to the list, there are still a few more obscure/unusual things to possibly add (i.e. PalmOS)... wondering if I should add GP32?
6/13 - moved NEC PC-FX from "work well" to "work decently" group in light of Exophase's comments on emulating it on Pandora, adjusted list format a little for clarity
6/20 - added Oric 1, TRS-80, Apple IIGS Commodore Vic and Commodore PET. NOTE: generally I will only add platforms that had software uniquely written for them (i.e. won't list every version of a particular computer platform; like Amiga for example), and which were reasonably popular and/or well known in their day and/or historically significant to some degree
6/20 - added Adventure Vision, Microvision, Fairchild Channel F, Dragon 32/64 and Virtual Boy
6/21 - added Sinclair QL and later gen Macs (i.e. PowerPC based)
7/19 - Atari Jaguar green lighted since Firefox successfully ported his emulator, and it's running very, very fast!
7/24 - added link to Firefox's PandaSNES thread (note PandaSNES is by Squidge, not Firefox) for SNES
7/27 - green lighted Genesis/SegaCD since Picodrive is now confirmed to be ported and running on Pandora hardware
7/29 - yellow lighted Vectrex (SDW) and Dreamcast (drkIIRaziel) - personally I'm not expecting DC to ever run well, but you don't know until you know, ya know? :P Good luck devs!
7/31 - yellow lighted Sega 32X, since Notaz has said he will add it to Picodrive _after_ Pandora is released
9/14 - Amiga greened for Notaz, GB/GBC yellowed for Tinnus, greened Speccy for Dio/Firefox, added Amiga CD32 to list
9/17 - N64 blackened. Zod backed out.
9/23 - Added DOSbox port by Pickle with board link
9/27 - yellowed Commodore 64 for Gnostic, and added him as an Amiga dev
10/18 - arcades green lighted and noted for Zodttd's port of MAME4ALL (link )
4/11/09 - This Great list reposted so I can update it, psp green lighted and moved with link, dreamcast green lighted and moved with link, Green lighted: atari 520,atari 800, SMS, Neo Geo, turbografx-16, ZX Spectrum, Frotz Z-Machine, & SIMH (thx ESN),

[/Prophets super list]

All praise goes to prophet as this is his list, I just copied it and updated it with the updates listed in this topic since he stopped updating.

edit: Fixed using rich text editor (thanks gp2.exe, for the heads up)
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MonkeyChops said:
(messy quote)

(note: I used the old way of posting links, use the greasemonkey thing till the forum gets fixed)
?... But why the messy look? Have you visited the link my sig refers to? Or did you quick edit?

Edit: By the way, nice work on that list. ;)
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sorry it came out messy, i'll fix it in a bit, got easter stuff to do

Edit: there that's a little better.

Edit 2: Did i miss anything that needs updated?

This list doesn't do much good lost in the middle of a bunch of pages and no mods seem interested in using it to change the original post so, if no one opposes, I'm just going to make a new topic with this list and link this topic for history purposes.

Edit 3: New topic pending Prophet's approval...

Edit 4:
Confirmed. Thanks Prophet. New topic found HERE:
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