Pandorapress Webpage Hacked ?

Jourdy288 said:
403 Forbidden. Access denied. This is a problem. BRB.
From: (none)
You: *******, Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.4; en-US; rv: Gecko/2010010314 Firefox/3.0.16 Flock/2.5.6 Glue/4.5
What: /, 403

Why does it show my infos?

403 Forbidden. Access denied. This is a problem. BRB.
From: (none)
You: **********, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7
What: /, 403

oh noes!!..

The page is just printing the userAgent info common function in all server side programming languages..

btw if I where you I'd edit out that IP addess..
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atomicthumbs said:
Hosting provider temporarily suspended blog due to high load on server. Deleting splogs and enabling WP-Supercache.
Wait, what? High load? WTF, how did that happen?
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The forums reach their maximum more often too, recently. I have the feeling this problem got worse after ED's update.
atomicthumbs said:
pandorapress should be even faster now btw.


here's part of the reason why it went down


Thank you, now I can fly again ...


towards the sun... ehmmmm I meant pandora.
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Gruso said:
[edit] Theres dem stats. Waiting for Engadget...
Think if PP gets linked by Engadget I should put the site into lockdown?

Prepare your server for an expected spike in traffic by enabling the lock down. When this is enabled, new comments on a post will not refresh the cached static files.
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