I need download mirrors [400MB download] and beta testers for the latest version of _and_GP2x (development name). For those who don't know what _and_GP2X is, _and_GP2X is a complete GP2X Linux development system that runs in Microsoft Windows sponsored by Dynamism. It will only run on NT based systems (NT, 2000, XP, 2003). The Linux OS is based on Debian and has full capabilities of the dpkg/apt file system.
Current Issues (Most fixed in the installer):
No installer (bug??? not sure if the issue is Inno or me [most likely me])
Configuration tool (based on Inno, so...)
Must be installed on the C: drive (due to above [could be worked around, but the installer is higher priority])
Slow startup after defragging Windows (drive mounting takes about 3 minutes [??])
Windows much have an IP assigned (this is a CoLinux things, but something I would like to automate on machines without IP's [READ: No Internet connection])
Only multiwindow X mode is supported at this time (Inno will fix this also)
Some things ugly hacked (suggestions on cleanup are more then welcome)
Current State:
Due to the latest snapshots of Xming and CoLinux, this puppy runs much faster then ever expected.
Requires 3GB of hard disk space. NTFS compression can significantly lower the size on disk without noticeable performance loss.
Pluggable development environment is started (adding a development environment will be as easy as adding a file to Windows and rebooting _and_GP2x [will be completed in the release/second beta?])
3GB hard drive space (NTFS compression will lessen this to under 1GB, but the space will grow as apps.files are added).
1Ghz+ Processor
384MB or higher (Will work on 256MB, but untested)
If you are interested in helping, please email davsolomon@gmail.com.
What does "supported by Dynamism mean"?
I have been working with Dynamism on various projects for over 3 years. Since most of the projects have dealt with English localizations, they were unsure of how to help support the GP2X community. _and_ is a project I have been working on to help ease people into Linux. We decided that even though there are already some very impressive tools for developing on the GP2X, _and_ could be a useful tool for many developers. Dynamism is providing hardware, focus, resources, etc... Their support is greatly appreciated and needed!
Why not use the many existing libraries?
I like Linux and prefer a native environment. Even though there are some nice environments for Windows and Linux, I found some users struggling with setup or talking about having quite a bit of different environments just to perform a single task. _and_ may be a solution for these users. It will offer the ability to drop in a complete development environments without the need for reconfiguration. This offers users who easily break their environments, like myself, to have a simple recovery method and to also mix in other environments for easy porting (Sharp Zaurus, GP2X, GP32, PSP (maybe), etc...).
Why _and_?
I like native Linux. My last contract was working for a Linux distribution and I have been using Linux for the past 9 years for multiple projects. The only issue is that I need Windows also in my line of work. Let's face it, I hate rebooting and find it nerve-racking to have to reboot just to look at something and reboot again to get back to work. When I started working with CoLinux, I found it a beast to setup and it took days to get everything to work smoothly, but the benefits are great. _and_ will automate all of this (soon) and be a perfect solution for those user in the same niche as I am.
Why base it on Debian?
Debian provides the apt/dpkg system for automating application installation and dependency tracking. The apt system is not perfect, but it is the best system for this project. I do love Gentoo's Portage system and tried it in this environment, but the library overhead increases the download size, removing them is not an option and having to compile you OS just to install an app takes away from development time.
What X system/ font server is installed on _and_?
Ummm... none. Xming (based off the latest X.org cvs) handles X in Windows. It is basically Cygwin/X without the dependency of the Cygwin libraries. The version used is also patched for higher Windows performance and is very impressive.
What desktop is installed?
None. There are X applications installed, but no desktops. To install KDE, you only need to type `apt-get install kde` or for Gnome `apt-get install gnome`. I don't recommend this though. I may install Kpanel or a desklet style application for launching Linux applications in the future, but I am going to wait until after the Beta feedback to see what the preference is.
OK, so what applications are installed:
multi-gnome-terminal, xterm, mozilla-firefox, etc... Kdevelop was the only application requested and should be added after the Beta.
How hard is it to setup networking for _and_?
Easy. There isn't any setup needed. As long as the Windows environment is connected to the Internet, so is _and_.
How different is _and_GP2X from the official _and_?
I hope to make this version more modular and turn it into the official _and_. If you want KDE, you only need to install the KDE module. If you want to develop, then you install the environment module you are developing for.
When will the official version be released?
I hate when people say this, but... when it is ready. Let's see what kind of feedback I get from the beta release.
Why release such a buggy, crappy beta?
...and I didn't even think you noticed. ;-) Actually, _and_GP2X seems to be very stable at the moment and works well. By releasing the beta, I am actually stopping work on the environment while I wait for feedback. This frees my time to fix the installer problems.
You say it is fast, but what system are you using for your testing?
I use a Samsung X30 laptop:
Centrino 2.0Ghz (Dynamic Switching)
512MB PC2700 RAM
15.4” @ 16Bit-1680x1050 Display
80GB Hitachi 5400RPM Drive (Yes, the one known for click-click-click-die)
Nvidia FX Go5200 64MB (Locked 256MG AGP Aperture)
Intel 2200 Wireless networking
DVD/CD Burner
David Solomon
EDIT: Added requirements
Current Issues (Most fixed in the installer):
No installer (bug??? not sure if the issue is Inno or me [most likely me])
Configuration tool (based on Inno, so...)
Must be installed on the C: drive (due to above [could be worked around, but the installer is higher priority])
Slow startup after defragging Windows (drive mounting takes about 3 minutes [??])
Windows much have an IP assigned (this is a CoLinux things, but something I would like to automate on machines without IP's [READ: No Internet connection])
Only multiwindow X mode is supported at this time (Inno will fix this also)
Some things ugly hacked (suggestions on cleanup are more then welcome)
Current State:
Due to the latest snapshots of Xming and CoLinux, this puppy runs much faster then ever expected.
Requires 3GB of hard disk space. NTFS compression can significantly lower the size on disk without noticeable performance loss.
Pluggable development environment is started (adding a development environment will be as easy as adding a file to Windows and rebooting _and_GP2x [will be completed in the release/second beta?])
3GB hard drive space (NTFS compression will lessen this to under 1GB, but the space will grow as apps.files are added).
1Ghz+ Processor
384MB or higher (Will work on 256MB, but untested)
If you are interested in helping, please email davsolomon@gmail.com.
What does "supported by Dynamism mean"?
I have been working with Dynamism on various projects for over 3 years. Since most of the projects have dealt with English localizations, they were unsure of how to help support the GP2X community. _and_ is a project I have been working on to help ease people into Linux. We decided that even though there are already some very impressive tools for developing on the GP2X, _and_ could be a useful tool for many developers. Dynamism is providing hardware, focus, resources, etc... Their support is greatly appreciated and needed!
Why not use the many existing libraries?
I like Linux and prefer a native environment. Even though there are some nice environments for Windows and Linux, I found some users struggling with setup or talking about having quite a bit of different environments just to perform a single task. _and_ may be a solution for these users. It will offer the ability to drop in a complete development environments without the need for reconfiguration. This offers users who easily break their environments, like myself, to have a simple recovery method and to also mix in other environments for easy porting (Sharp Zaurus, GP2X, GP32, PSP (maybe), etc...).
Why _and_?
I like native Linux. My last contract was working for a Linux distribution and I have been using Linux for the past 9 years for multiple projects. The only issue is that I need Windows also in my line of work. Let's face it, I hate rebooting and find it nerve-racking to have to reboot just to look at something and reboot again to get back to work. When I started working with CoLinux, I found it a beast to setup and it took days to get everything to work smoothly, but the benefits are great. _and_ will automate all of this (soon) and be a perfect solution for those user in the same niche as I am.
Why base it on Debian?
Debian provides the apt/dpkg system for automating application installation and dependency tracking. The apt system is not perfect, but it is the best system for this project. I do love Gentoo's Portage system and tried it in this environment, but the library overhead increases the download size, removing them is not an option and having to compile you OS just to install an app takes away from development time.
What X system/ font server is installed on _and_?
Ummm... none. Xming (based off the latest X.org cvs) handles X in Windows. It is basically Cygwin/X without the dependency of the Cygwin libraries. The version used is also patched for higher Windows performance and is very impressive.
What desktop is installed?
None. There are X applications installed, but no desktops. To install KDE, you only need to type `apt-get install kde` or for Gnome `apt-get install gnome`. I don't recommend this though. I may install Kpanel or a desklet style application for launching Linux applications in the future, but I am going to wait until after the Beta feedback to see what the preference is.
OK, so what applications are installed:
multi-gnome-terminal, xterm, mozilla-firefox, etc... Kdevelop was the only application requested and should be added after the Beta.
How hard is it to setup networking for _and_?
Easy. There isn't any setup needed. As long as the Windows environment is connected to the Internet, so is _and_.
How different is _and_GP2X from the official _and_?
I hope to make this version more modular and turn it into the official _and_. If you want KDE, you only need to install the KDE module. If you want to develop, then you install the environment module you are developing for.
When will the official version be released?
I hate when people say this, but... when it is ready. Let's see what kind of feedback I get from the beta release.
Why release such a buggy, crappy beta?
...and I didn't even think you noticed. ;-) Actually, _and_GP2X seems to be very stable at the moment and works well. By releasing the beta, I am actually stopping work on the environment while I wait for feedback. This frees my time to fix the installer problems.
You say it is fast, but what system are you using for your testing?
I use a Samsung X30 laptop:
Centrino 2.0Ghz (Dynamic Switching)
512MB PC2700 RAM
15.4” @ 16Bit-1680x1050 Display
80GB Hitachi 5400RPM Drive (Yes, the one known for click-click-click-die)
Nvidia FX Go5200 64MB (Locked 256MG AGP Aperture)
Intel 2200 Wireless networking
DVD/CD Burner
David Solomon
EDIT: Added requirements