Release Pandora Stopwatch


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2011
Milky Way galaxy
I wrote this up a couple days ago. It's a stopwatch program, written in Python. It's free software (and on that note, I just noticed that I forgot to include the GNU GPL, that will be corrected ASAP). Enjoy!


The controls (along with some other info) are listed in the readme (the regular documentation, called "Pandora Stopwatch" in the Documentation menu). They are:

Start, Enter: start and stop the stopwatch

X button, Y button, L button: record the current time

A button, B button: press to start counting, release to stop counting

Select, R button: Reset the stopwatch
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Nice, I'll give it a try!

BTW: I have the habit of including the sources right in the PND. It's easier than depending on external hosting, and it ensures that they never get lost. And sources compress well so it won't increase the PND size much. Just a suggestion.
BTW: I have the habit of including the sources right in the PND. It's easier than depending on external hosting, and it ensures that they never get lost. And sources compress well so it won't increase the PND size much. Just a suggestion.

The sources are in the PND by the very nature of the language used. Python code isn't compiled manually like Java code is, source files are fed to the interpreter directly which then compiles them to bytecode on-the-spot (and except for external modules, that bytecode is not even saved). The link to the external source is for easy access; it's not particularly obvious how to manually mount or extract the contents from a PND (I myself don't know how to do it). In fact, that external link is just a copy of the PND creation directory, minus PND-specific files (PXML, screenshot, and "run" shell scripts).
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Ah, ok, I see.

You can use /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p <filename> (IIRC) to mount a PND without running it, or just check /mnt/pnd/ while it is running.
I've updated this. Though I forgot to document it, pressing and holding A or B will now pause the stopwatch if it was running. It is also now called simply "Stopwatch" in the menu.

I also added titles and descriptions in Japanese, but it doesn't seem to work, unfortunately.

Also, this is now on SourceForge: