Pandora showcase in a geek bar in Paris.

Well, you have to enter the 1234 pin code _before_ associating.

It's supposed to work flawlessly, but sometimes it doesn't under Zaxxon.

It works perfectly under Slackware, the userspace tools are far more recent, and look nicer.

I use the joypad mode, maybe other work.
nice :)

their bar looks a nice little haunt too from your pics, c'est tres bien [think that's right anyway]
Met sebt3 today in the bar. Wow, he's tall, my neck hurts !

Sold him a stylus, one more step for my holidays in Bahamas ;^).

Told him to come to FOSDEM so if you also come you'll check in person ^^.
So sebt3 is on holidays? If you meet him again, just poke him to visit the forums again ;)