Thanks for the idea,Mithrildor.
This is a just a status update again... I will hopefully have something worth updating either Tuesday/Wednesday since those are my days off this next coming week.
Penjin/PandoraPanic-wise the main thing that will be apparent in the next update is that, that thanks to Alex,
rotations and scaling are now done correctly, even for AnimatedSprites. I'm playing about with things for the titlescreen related to this. I want to tidy up the score screen and credits but those are not as urgent, but still need doing at some point.
I've updated the minigames that have had updates, so everything should be the most current version in the following update.
Project Infinity Wiki should be working properly again... some permissions got a little messed up when my host upgraded the server it was on. Let me know if something seems broken there though.
Penjin: Again I would like to hear any issues or restrictions you think need dealing with Penjin itself. I really appreciate this input as it helps me improve Penjin and find bugs which shouldn't be there.
Lastly I could probably do with a helping hand with this engine stuff, partly because I want to make an actual minigame for this project too, and also because a different perspective can spot other bugs that I would miss... Finally, since the criticism of no documentation, I remembered Doxygen... there's a lot of comments that could do with changing to the correct format so that the docs can be genned...
So please let me know if you are interested in helping me out.