Pandora Pandora Panic

Miggles said:
PokeParadox said:
It's still currently auto from the top-left pixel. I'm adding in function that will let you over-ride it.
That's kind of trippy. At the moment all of my sprites are showing the magenta all around and one of them has a transparency in the middle where the orange square was. :)

Um... I'm guessing it's not behaving then... want to send me the images?

myBoardName AT
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yaustar said:
void OBBShape::initShape(const char *n) {
name = n;

Bad idea! Because you are copying the value of the pointer and not the data that the pointer is pointing to, this can easily lead to a crash. e.g.
Not true! as name (in this case) is a std::string its assignment operator takes n (a const char *) and copies the data, it does not copy the pointer.
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Miggles said:
If anyone is stumped for sound effects, this site is proving to be magic:

Oooh... Good find. That looks pretty handy. I'm definitely going to check it out.

Speaking of which, has anybody had better luck than I have with the PandoraPanic app. playing sounds under Linux? (Specifically, Ubuntu 8.04/Hardy.)

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todd said:
Oooh... Good find. That looks pretty handy. I'm definitely going to check it out.

Speaking of which, has anybody had better luck than I have with the PandoraPanic app. playing sounds under Linux? (Specifically, Ubuntu 8.04/Hardy.)

I was running it under Ubuntu 8.10 beta last night and the sound worked just fine. I'm guessing it wouldn't compile if you didn't have the SDL Mixer and ALSA libraries available so I've got no idea why it didn't work for you.
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Ladies and gentlemen! Presented here for your edification and amusement, the very first public beta of One Button Bandit!


This is my second game for Pandora Panic! and it definitely needs some pixel art love from Mr Gonzo (he has agreed to help, just has to find the time - in the meantime my horrific images will stick around) but is otherwise complete. Has graphics, sounds, changing difficulty level, smooth motions, and a newfound lack of segfaulting. :)

The issue with the non-transparent sprites will be fixed with an upcoming update of the framework, I think.

I've been putting my sound effects in as wavs but they're getting a bit big. What is the preferred sound format? Ogg/MP3? Do they work?
PurplePup said:
yaustar said:
void OBBShape::initShape(const char *n) {
name = n;

Bad idea! Because you are copying the value of the pointer and not the data that the pointer is pointing to, this can easily lead to a crash. e.g.
Not true! as name (in this case) is a std::string its assignment operator takes n (a const char *) and copies the data, it does not copy the pointer.

Oops. I forgot name was std::string type, I wrongly assumed that it was char * in that snippet. Ignore me.
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todd said:
Speaking of which, has anybody had better luck than I have with the PandoraPanic app. playing sounds under Linux? (Specifically, Ubuntu 8.04/Hardy.)
Sorry I still have no idea what it could be... sounds works on my ubuntu install too.

Miggles said:
Ladies and gentlemen! Presented here for your edification and amusement, the very first public beta of One Button Bandit!

This is my second game for Pandora Panic! and it definitely needs some pixel art love from Mr Gonzo (he has agreed to help, just has to find the time - in the meantime my horrific images will stick around) but is otherwise complete. Has graphics, sounds, changing difficulty level, smooth motions, and a newfound lack of segfaulting. :)

The issue with the non-transparent sprites will be fixed with an upcoming update of the framework, I think.

I've been putting my sound effects in as wavs but they're getting a bit big. What is the preferred sound format? Ogg/MP3? Do they work?
Glad you got the segfaults sorted! It was a right headache, what was it in the end?

Indeed a fix will be coming when I have another update ready, please bear with me. - Seems I was mislead, sound formats mp3,ogg etc are supported, we can make things more compact :)

A final note: Please note that the wiki page has been moved it's now here:

Please help me keep this updated (add your own games to the list, etc.)
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PokeParadox said:
Glad you got the segfaults sorted! It was a right headache, what was it in the end?
Not the linked lists. :)

In desperation I just rewrote the way I was storing the bulk of the sprites (loading them up into an array - you'll remember how well that worked out for me last time - and addressing them differently) and lo and behold she got fixed.

Go figure.

PokeParadox said:
Indeed a fix will be coming when I have another update ready, please bear with me. - Seems I was mislead, sound formats mp3,ogg etc are supported, we can make things more compact :)

A final note: Please note that the wiki page has been moved it's now here:

Please help me keep this updated (add your own games to the list, etc.)

I'll wait until it's actually in the game before I add it to the list of games that are in the game. :)

Good news about the sounds as well. Though I guess I should have just tried it to see what happened.

I'm going to have a headache releaving break for a couple of days and then get started on number 3. Haven't figured out a name for it yet. 4 and 5 (Crowd Surfing and Jack Be Nimble) have got sketchy plans so far. Also, need to revisit Pong and add angles and difficulty settings.
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Miggles said:
PokeParadox said:
Glad you got the segfaults sorted! It was a right headache, what was it in the end?
Not the linked lists. :)

In desperation I just rewrote the way I was storing the bulk of the sprites (loading them up into an array - you'll remember how well that worked out for me last time - and addressing them differently) and lo and behold she got fixed.

Go figure.

PokeParadox said:
Indeed a fix will be coming when I have another update ready, please bear with me. - Seems I was mislead, sound formats mp3,ogg etc are supported, we can make things more compact :)

A final note: Please note that the wiki page has been moved it's now here:

Please help me keep this updated (add your own games to the list, etc.)

I'll wait until it's actually in the game before I add it to the list of games that are in the game. :)

Good news about the sounds as well. Though I guess I should have just tried it to see what happened.

I'm going to have a headache releaving break for a couple of days and then get started on number 3. Haven't figured out a name for it yet. 4 and 5 (Crowd Surfing and Jack Be Nimble) have got sketchy plans so far. Also, need to revisit Pong and add angles and difficulty settings.

Well it is in my current build, thanks for posting your code :)
I converted the wav files to ogg (q4.0) I've left Pong with the wavs since it didn't really benefit from ogg... one file was even bigger!

Just one little note.. the Tumbler doesn't play... and I noticed that you don't actually start playing it, even though you set it up to loop! when is it supposed to play?

And related to pausing: if you use timers, you must pause the timers when you check for isPaused and unpause them, otherwise the time keeps ticking on even though the rest of the game is paused :)

finally: GO Miggles! you are the Minigame machine! I would have thought all your pointer troubles would have made you run away :P
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As you guys have probably seen, EvilDragon has offered subdomain and GIT hosting for Pandora projects that need it. You might want to contact him about setting up a subdomain for this project and some system for sharing code (not sure if GIT would be helpful for a project like this).
PokeParadox said:
Well it is in my current build, thanks for posting your code :)
I converted the wav files to ogg (q4.0) I've left Pong with the wavs since it didn't really benefit from ogg... one file was even bigger!

Just one little note.. the Tumbler doesn't play... and I noticed that you don't actually start playing it, even though you set it up to loop! when is it supposed to play?
It's in StateOneButtonBandit::unlimitedUpdate() in case 2. What you're actually saying though is that it's too quiet.

That could be because I originally had it set so that each tumbler would play it's own tumble sound (so that when each one stopped there would be a difference in the noise) but instead opted for a single sound for all three. I'll wait for your update so I can get my updated code back (!) and I'll have a tinker (either increase the volume or set it back to each tumbler).

PokeParadox said:
And related to pausing: if you use timers, you must pause the timers when you check for isPaused and unpause them, otherwise the time keeps ticking on even though the rest of the game is paused :)
That's a good point. How do I know when to unpause them? Also, how do I pause the game to test this on the PC?

PokeParadox said:
finally: GO Miggles! you are the Minigame machine! I would have thought all your pointer troubles would have made you run away :P
I'm not one to be intimidated by my own incompetence.

Also: don't count your minigames until they're hatched. Or something.
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Miggles said:
It's in StateOneButtonBandit::unlimitedUpdate() in case 2. What you're actually saying though is that it's too quiet.

That's a good point. How do I know when to unpause them? Also, how do I pause the game to test this on the PC?

I'm not one to be intimidated by my own incompetence.

Also: don't count your minigames until they're hatched. Or something.
:unsure: I dunno... I just can't hear it and didn't see it when I checked the code... :lol:

Basically checked the status of isPaused and if true pause the timers. If false unpause them. You just need to assign a key to toggle isPaused. I've used input.isStart() in some of the earlier contibuted games.


I'm sure there's more to see from ya ;)
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Who here can give me a primer in how to calculate moving something around the surface of a circle such that it's base stays tangential to the circle?

It's been a very long time since I've done any of this math and I can't find any immediately useful answers in Google. :(
Miggles said:
Who here can give me a primer in how to calculate moving something around the surface of a circle such that it's base stays tangential to the circle?

It's been a very long time since I've done any of this math and I can't find any immediately useful answers in Google. :(
It's basic trig, though I'm very rusty myself. Here's some Java code I wrote to do that very thing a couple years ago:


double thetaRadians = degrees * 2.0 * Math.PI;
int myCenterX = (int) (Math.sin(thetaRadians) * length) + centerX;
// Advance the cos by 180 degrees to fit our application:
thetaRadians += Math.PI;
int myCenterY = (int) (Math.cos(thetaRadians) * length) + centerY;

int myOrigX = myCenterX - length - margin;
int myOrigY = myCenterY - length - margin;

I believe (myOrigX, myOrigY) is your point on the circumference of the circle: the point at which your base should be positioned. There may be better ways, but this was sufficient to my cause at the time (an analog clock).

Hopefully that will get you started.

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I'm still here:
Basically I've been fixing rotation stuff:

I've also updated the wiki to put all the people that offered to help in one place. I've harvested links from here, but not the OpenPandora site(as yet). The page offers links to their respective profile on the board, so you can pm or whatever. :)

Miggles: Your circle stuff is right-angled triangles trig: angle from the y axis makes most sense then you can use the same angle in the rotation functions to rotate the sprite that sits on the surface of the circle.

Anyway, I'll continue fixing this, as I'm sure you want updates sooner rather than later...
jakshep2 said:
is the current "PandorPanic!" logo going to be the final one?
I think so... Kagato's stuff basically came as a set, so it all fits together nicely. Although please don't think your work will go to waste, because for the credits I'm thinking to create a sort of collage! I intend to use anything that has been put forward for use in the game. :)

I know the HiScores tables need tidying to look like the rest of the game, but any suggestions about how the credits should be presented?
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PokeParadox said:
I'm still here:
Basically I've been fixing rotation stuff:

Miggles: Your circle stuff is right-angled triangles trig: angle from the y axis makes most sense then you can use the same angle in the rotation functions to rotate the sprite that sits on the surface of the circle.

Anyway, I'll continue fixing this, as I'm sure you want updates sooner rather than later...

While you're working on the rotations, rotating an animated sprite sheet is completely broken. :)

Cheers. And yes, I realise it's very basic trig. You'd be depressed if you were me and realized how little of that you could remember. :(
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Miggles said:
While you're working on the rotations, rotating an animated sprite sheet is completely broken. :)

Cheers. And yes, I realise it's very basic trig. You'd be depressed if you were me and realized how little of that you could remember. :(
Ouch... just had a look and that's very broken... hmmm have to really think about how I can fix that...
EDIT: Well looking at it, the Animated Sprites should be straightforward to fix... the only problem is I'm having trouble getting the clipping right for rotated sprites, AND keeping the image centred. I'm going to post code and hopefully we can brainstorm this because I'm now going around in circles...

I'm not Mr Mathematician... don't worry... I'd have to have a book beside me and a piece of paper to scribble on.
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