Pandora Panic! Needs You!, Artists, musicians & coders!


Founder of Pirate Games - Penjin Coder
Staff member
Dec 8, 2005
PandoraPanic! is a community made minigame compilation in the same vain as WarioWare.
It is progressing nicely and we should have something ready for on or around launch of the Pandora.

We have a reasonable number of coders step forward, but we need artists to step forward and help us make this look nicer.
Also it's kind of silent currently... again I ask that anyone that can make music or sound effects step forward and help us get this game ready! :)

If you are at all interested visit the thread.
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I'm not going to move it because you're a mod as well, but don't you think this forum is the wrong place for this? ... 652&st=45#
Due to the nature of the game all that is needed is short snippets of music.
We currently have pretty much nothing... :)

so somethings that are needed are
Title screen music,
short winning music, we may have this now
short losing music, we may have this now
credits music,
You got a hi-score music,
hi scores screen music,
minigames themselves.
woo! so if you need a build or anything else I'll gladly provide it. Obviously I'm not expecting you to do everything in that list, but if you can fill in a few blanks it would be great!

As for artwork... anything that needs a lick of paint then feel free to jazz it up! :)
Kagato has said he wouldn't mind doing some work for the title menu, but there is plenty more to do.

TestBuild(Windows): ... 652&st=60#
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For music, I'd like to see if I could compose an overture to be broken up and used however. For artwork, I'll get a whole bunch of sketches thrown together for menus and the like. I do not have any experience working with video games and whatnot but there's never a better time to start. I'll keep coming back here if I have problems or results.

What formats do you want the files to be in?

*edit: I think that in the process of composing this song I'll be throwing together a few sound effects too that I'll bundle up with it. Also, if it is in the interest of wannabes and the like I have alot of ideas for games I'll do quicksketches and descriptions of to make them easy on development.
music - mod, mp3, ogg
sfx - wav although in some circumstances we can use mp3/ogg
gfx - png or jpg preferred, also bmp gif(animated gif aren't) are supported.
animations - have to be in a tilesheet format currently (you have each frame ordered in a tilesheet.)

Also it's preferred if you could use the gp32x thread, since that's where most things are happening, but I will keep checking back here. Just send me a pm if I forget to check and miss a post, however.
Okay, progress.
i have snippets so far. It's very hard to tell how the game is going to come together, and to try and make any definite "look" would, at this point, be folly. I think that I will wait and start actual work when we have 10+games set in concrete. Poke, If you would be so king as to point any devs that need art my way I would greatly appreciate it.
I'm currently in the middle of writing music for another game on the Wiz, but when I am finished and if you're still looking, I would be up for it.
I can do (average pixel-art or abysmal photoshop) graphics or some simple music. Whatever language you are using for this, it is highly unlikely that I know it. But the minigame-programmers are free to ask for any sort of music or graphics with a PM, and I'll try to make something up :)