Active Member
OK, I'm feel little risky now, but... I think that in Bulgaria can't be more dangerous people, visiting this very forum, than in my country 
So, as I will travel to Obzor in Bulgaria I realize that I take my with me. Geez, I can't leave my Pandora for whole 15 days, can I?
I'm leaving internet tomorrow evening at about 20:00 CEST (+2 GMT/UTC I think). Duno if I can connect in Bulgaria, but it seems that there are at least two internet cafés.Maybe I find some unsecured wifi (sigh). Anyway, if somebody want meet me and my Pandora, then SMS of phone to my cell phone +420 (czech) 776 (vodafone) 305 006 (use only numbers, without inserted notes). You can send SMS for free from Vodafone sms webgate. Simply send me time an location. Use some public, good to reach, place in Obzor - some big known square or place on beach. If I can, I will come or send SMS back. Maybe You give me a tip for some good trip (architecture, historical, sightseeing...). And I will have no GPS.
Hey, I must feed my wife and 2 children, please don't kill me for Pandora.
Or leave note here. I'll check and reply before tomorrow evening.
MODs: Take my apologize, if I'm in wrong sub-forum.
So, as I will travel to Obzor in Bulgaria I realize that I take my with me. Geez, I can't leave my Pandora for whole 15 days, can I?
I'm leaving internet tomorrow evening at about 20:00 CEST (+2 GMT/UTC I think). Duno if I can connect in Bulgaria, but it seems that there are at least two internet cafés.
Hey, I must feed my wife and 2 children, please don't kill me for Pandora.
Or leave note here. I'll check and reply before tomorrow evening.
MODs: Take my apologize, if I'm in wrong sub-forum.