Wonder if pandora can have phone capability


Still Fresh
Sep 22, 2010
I really like pandora. It's run linux OS. I also like Nokia N900, only that it's not powerful and gaming oriented gadget.

If Pandora can have a normal phone capability, it'll be great. People can play online using 3G internet SIM card, make a call, sms, mms...more like a phone computer. All in 1. I'll drooling if it happen. People always make a talk about PSP Phone, which until now it never exist. Then how about Pandora Phone :)

Just my mind talking here. ;)
Hello and welcome. :)

I think it's worth pointing out, before someone else does so in an unpleasant fashion, that telephone capabilities would add a lot to the cost. It's not as simple as some people think - you can't just hook up a couple of extra parts and expect it to work. Additionally, I gather that a long time ago, most people decided that this was a feature that they didn't want. (Indeed, I must admit, if the phone stuff was there, I would not have bought one.)

That said, I believe that there was (and may still be? I'm unsure on this...) a project to try to get some form of telephone capabilities going by means of some sort of USB add-on. It was on the other forum, and it can be read about here - be aware that it is quite old, though.
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Hello and welcome. :)

I think it's worth pointing out, before someone else does so in an unpleasant fashion, that telephone capabilities would add a lot to the cost. It's not as simple as some people think - you can't just hook up a couple of extra parts and expect it to work. Additionally, I gather that a long time ago, most people decided that this was a feature that they didn't want. (Indeed, I must admit, if the phone stuff was there, I would not have bought one.)

That said, I believe that there was (and may still be? I'm unsure on this...) a project to try to get some form of telephone capabilities going by means of some sort of USB add-on. It was on the other forum, and it can be read about here - be aware that it is quite old, though.

Yeah, agree with that. It'll will involve cost increase. USB add on is also cool if anyone interested to add it on. Or produce a separate version that have this phone feature.

Another add on that'll be nice is TV/FM Tuner. There is a USB TV/FM Tuner for PC. If it can be use together with pandora that'll be cool :)

Or, the team can develope this add on for Pandora.

Btw, it's just a thought. Developing it is not that easy after all. Congrats to the Pandora Team :)

This gadget can run PSX and Dreamcast emulator in fairly good speed as I can see in youtube. It's awesome. N900 can't run a good speed for PSX after all.
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Another add on that'll be nice is TV/FM Tuner. There is a USB TV/FM Tuner for PC. If it can be use together with pandora that'll be cool :)

Or, the team can develope this add on for Pandora.
There are various TV tuners that work with Linux (see MythTV resources for lists)

They should work fine on the Pandora.
Even though you can easily get 3G capabilities by hooking up a USB 3G modem, I don't think you can get voice (normal phone) over that. But why not just use voiceIP instead, there should be several options available eventually.

To make a new hardware version of the Pandora with a built-in phone would probably double the cost. At least that seems to be why the N900 got to its price level.
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- Gruso
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Its a gaming device / UMPC not a phone that can play games :P

Theirs nothing worse than trying to "do it all" in one device. Because the device would cost a fortune and nobody would buy it. Or as you see with phones, when their affordable everything has to have a compromise i.e. crap camera / video, poor audio playback capture, even worse reception if you don't happen to live in the heart of a big city.

Much better to have a phone for making calls. A camera to take pictures and a computer to play games :)