Pandora :o

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Active Member
May 15, 2004
WOW before I thought the pandora was pretty cool

Now i think it is the best thing since sliced white

Qudos to the devs for such a mammoth undertaking

For those who are feeling jaded or upset concerning delays, just hang in there i say
and count yourself lucky you are gonna get your hands on one of these babies.

Been workig with the latest gumstix which i just found out is based on similar hardware
and man does this baby fly!!


PS Those who are wussing out and I would gladly take their preorder
javaJake said:
As much as I agree, I think this doesn't need its own thread. You're better off responding to someone in a thread.
Anyone else find it disturbing that MOST posts nowadays are immediately followed by a comment stating that the thread should be removed/moved? I vote that until we're barraged with tangible posts, let's just let this stuff fly. We've got a long trip, let's play some road games. When the videos/news/demos start rolling out, then I can see stuff like this getting in the way, but that's certainly not the case right now.
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Here is the sentiment I had received, if you want something for Pandora - do it yourself.

Start working on it and if you need help, ask some questions and some folks should be willing to help information wise but it is not a "Yet another could someone please port/make this program/device/add-on work on Pandora .

You'll get claimed as a "troll".

Anyway, I sense that this forum is running low on patience for those people who wants things but are not willing to do the work themselves. There is too many, ideas makers but not enough people who are willing to invest energy into their ideas. We need more DOers not WANTers.

If you like the idea, put the energy behind it. I know, I have to put some time into making my 'idea' for Pandora happen.
I was in response to the previous poster and maybe it doesn't relate to the original poster's comment but it led to that with people looking at the URL link attached to the following:

RickAstoria said:
Here is the sentiment I had received, if you want something for Pandora - do it yourself.

Start working on it and if you need help, ask some questions and some folks should be willing to help information wise but it is not a "Yet another could someone please port/make this program/device/add-on work on Pandora .

You'll get claimed as a "troll".

Anyway, I sense that this forum is running low on patience for those people who wants things but are not willing to do the work themselves. There is too many, ideas makers but not enough people who are willing to invest energy into their ideas. We need more DOers not WANTers.

If you like the idea, put the energy behind it. I know, I have to put some time into making my 'idea' for Pandora happen.
I wish I could be a DOer in the Pandora scene but everytime I go to those websites that teach programming, I have no idea what is going on. Is porting a game something you need to go to university for or can it be learnt by simply watching a few videos or reading a few blogs.
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Shaun. said:
I wish I could be a DOer in the Pandora scene but everytime I go to those websites that teach programming, I have no idea what is going on. Is porting a game something you need to go to university for or can it be learnt by simply watching a few videos or reading a few blogs.


It depends on which application you're talking about; some are easy peasy (especially if they exist on Linux and are GPL), some aren't (for instance, Halo 3). In any case, you'll need some C/C++ knowledge, however; knowledge most novices don't seek to attire. You should get started with something easier (Oh I dunno, Python, or my beloved Scala, etc), and after a while you'll be able to take the step towards C and start porting stuff.
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Shaun. said:
RickAstoria said:
Here is the sentiment I had received, if you want something for Pandora - do it yourself.

Start working on it and if you need help, ask some questions and some folks should be willing to help information wise but it is not a "Yet another could someone please port/make this program/device/add-on work on Pandora .

You'll get claimed as a "troll".

Anyway, I sense that this forum is running low on patience for those people who wants things but are not willing to do the work themselves. There is too many, ideas makers but not enough people who are willing to invest energy into their ideas. We need more DOers not WANTers.

If you like the idea, put the energy behind it. I know, I have to put some time into making my 'idea' for Pandora happen.
I wish I could be a DOer in the Pandora scene but everytime I go to those websites that teach programming, I have no idea what is going on. Is porting a game something you need to go to university for or can it be learnt by simply watching a few videos or reading a few blogs.

You don't have to go to university. Don't forget it is a practical hands on kind of subject. You'll learn a lot by doing. Can be incredibly frustrating when something doesn't work or you can't work out how to solve a problem. Very satisfying when you get it sorted and can move on.
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