Build Ruggedness


Aug 13, 2009
So first off I just want to say thank to the OP team for making such a dream handheld. There is alot of negativity on the boards concerning delays, but for every one person who is vocal and upset I imagine there are three people like me who lurk on the boards in quiet anticipation of their new device. Keep plugging away Ed and Craig!

Now, on topic. I'm quite hopeful I'll have my Pandora before June as I will be taking an extensive beach vacation with the fam. (Pre-ordered Aug 2009) I've read about the occasional gap in the case which is totally understandable on project such as this, but this raises concerns for me about whether or not to even take it to the beach. The thought of getting sand stuck in all the crevices of this device sends shivers up my spine. Would the nubs be a concern for sand too like getting caught underneath the nub? Same questions for the screen. And while on the topic of ruggedness, has anyone dropped their Pandora from a significant height and not had any ill effects? I don't expect this to be a toughbook or anything, but I do on occasion knock over/drop my electronics which has caused me a few moments of sheer device-ruining terror.


Mine has been knocked around a bit and I have heard of them being dropped and being fine,

as for the beach I can see sand getting in headphone/usb/ext sockets, SD card slots in behind the screen causing problems with touch screen and in the nubs, however if your careful on the beach should be fine, just dont get sand on (in) it
Please don't take it to the beach! Sand gets everywhere and with one gust of wind, things can go horribly wrong! It's not that fragile but I'd try to keep it in a dry, clean environment.
Accidents happen, but please just treat Pandora like it was your own child. Simple. :)

Kids love going to the beach! :P But I agree with this^ I used to carry my Pandora in the same pocket in my backpack that has my car keys. After a while, I noticed that there were little scratches that were barely visible, but you could see them if you looked hard. The keys were scratching some of the paint off. The paint is my least favorite feature of the Pandora, but they had to do it. :/
Please don't take it to the beach! Sand gets everywhere and with one gust of wind, things can go horribly wrong! It's not that fragile but I'd try to keep it in a dry, clean environment.

So Pandora on the beach = bad idea..... but Pandora safely tucked away for use at the beach house only = not a bad idea. I just don't think I can go the whole vacation without that device. I'm dreaming of all the retro games I can finally finish without distraction, aside from having to pause every now and then to get another beer.

Thanks for the advice guys. Glad the device is rugged enough for everyday use. I'll be sure to keep is sand free!