Pandora mentioned in RetroGamer


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2007
Bury St. Edmunds, UK
There is an article in issue 98 of RetroGamer about the GameGadget which then lists the "Open source alternatives", of which, Pandora is one of them.

Making it the Blackberry of open source gaming.
scan please
No! :P

It's nothing to get too excited about. Now if they went into the same depth as they have for the GameGadget I'd be recommended you buy a copy.

The gist without plagiarising..

It mentions the qwerty keyboard is one of the devices special features giving the device a tiny netbook feel.

Little wonder that its creators consider it "the smallest portable Linux PC"
Which it is.

All this concentrated power comes at a price...€375 (international) or €445 (EU). plus shipping.

Also there is a small picture of an opened Pandora on the desktop.

That's about it but padded out a bit.
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Does anyone have Retro Gamer's contact information? It might be worth dropping them a line to ask if they'd mind a scan being shared here.