Pandora Logo - Take 2

Number seventeen is still my favorite, the whole ATI-esque is really attractive, but I'm not sure that it would look great as an engraving.
I've tried to improve my previous logo idea (based on the great evilwallpaper logo).

It should be something like this, but can be further improved:


evilwallpaper, could you try to make a better version of this?

Then, the logo could replace the P for Pandora.

Hope you like it.
mrsnature said:
3 and 14. And leave Evilwallpaper's as it is in the first post!
The whole point of this thread is to tweak and modify logos before the final vote. EW's logo will still be in the running, and any major modifications will be included as well.
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Wegg said:
Can you guys post information about how you created the logos? Or at least provide the vector art for them? I'd love to play with them.
I have done my Logos with Blender. :D With a non-orthographic Camera, other light, Shading and Shadows, the same object look like this:
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I like 13 a lot. It could use some polish, maybe a different font, but I like the idea of the "o" being the box. (And the stuff escaping from it.)

3 looks somewhat familiar. Is that derived from some old GP2X corporate identity? If so, I don't think it's a good idea to use it...

14 is most ready for use and also pretty good. While the idea to make the box into a P sounds attractive at first, I think it breaks the simplicity and professionality of the logo.

Here is an idea: Maybe the box and can be merged into a logo somehow?
I vote number 18! :P


Also this one wasn't included :(

Chip said:
mrsnature said:
3 and 14. And leave Evilwallpaper's as it is in the first post!
The whole point of this thread is to tweak and modify logos before the final vote. EW's logo will still be in the running, and any major modifications will be included as well.

Sorry, i just meant I like it as it is... i think the changes to the box make it look a bit silly. And I don't know what the andora is ;)
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9 nine nine 9

just icase you missed it 9

that logo rocks
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#3, #4, and #9 get my vote. :)

#14(as done in the first post, without the mutilated symbol/P) also appeals to me.

I like the simpleness of #15
I wonder why you guys bother with this. Why is the official website strutting the #14 logo if it isn't the one they plan on going with?