Pandora In The Gp2x Form Factor

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computarman said:
1. What do you personally feel about the Pandora having a keyboard?
I think it's a nice feature - but not a "must have". I'm happy it is there, and since it is there, I'll use it. Before they announced BlueTooth, it was pretty vital - but now that I can use a stowaway BT KB - I won't be using the built-in one as much.
2. Do you personally think the price point of the Pandora is too expensive?
No. I mean, cheaper is always better - but for what you're getting - it's a good deal. I personally think the Pandora is most like the Nokia N-Series Internet Tablets, and, ATM, the Pandora is cheaper than that latest model (although the N810 was on today for only $379, so the gap is closing). However, the Pandora is about 50% more powerful - and has gaming controls - just no GPS. So, even if the N810 dropped beneath the Pandora, I'd still prefer the Pandora.
3. What would you personally like to happen with Pandora design?
In a magic land where I decide? Slide out QWERTY keyboard with more ctrl alt del type buttons - or a swivel clamshell so it could be used in tablet / game mode - game controls on either side of the screen PSP style - media control buttons - 4 shoulder buttons - zoom buttons.

In the real world - with the restrictions of patents and copyrights and trademarks... and production costs, I'm pretty sure that Craig and Co. made the best choice available. But, again, game controls on the side would have made it where the case would have been wider so you could put bigger / more keyboard buttons. But without the swivel or slide-out features, it would be awkward to hold with the keyboard just sticking out there. Maybe 2 more shoulder buttons and a few more keys (;'[]\,./ ctrl alt Pandora) And, of course, the 4 action buttons would be the Greek Letters that look like ab xy in the SNES format.

That being said (and if you're with me so far, PLEASE DO NOT MISS THIS PARAGRAPH), I was asked a specific question, and I answered it. What would I like to see happen... HOWEVER, I don't want any more redesigns - because I don't want the Pandora to be delayed any further or the price to go up or it to get so bogged down that it just disappears.
4 If the possibilty for redesign is highly unlikely now, why argue so aggressively?
That's a good question. I guess I just hate ignorance. It pisses me off when people just arrogantly dismiss what they a] don't understand b] don't agree with, or c] don't care about.

A less laptop-looking form factor has its benefits. I mean, how many clamshell pocketables do you see coming out these days? They are either slide out keyboards, swivel tablets, or touchscreen only. (I'm talking about UMPCs/MIDs/PMPs.) yes, the DS is a clamshell - but a] its design is unique b] its design is 3 years old at least c] unless it had a swivel to GBA mode, there's not really many ways to do the DS that aren't clamshell. (Although there was one very nice mockup I've seen - I don't know how realistic it is, though.)
5 Please, clarify and crystalize your motive for arguing and dedicating energy to this thread.
Arrogance and ignorance piss me off. And when they start getting turned on *me* it makes me even more likely to respond.
6. Do you acknowledge the highly unlikely possibility of the Pandora being changed?
That question could probably been worded better - it makes me feel like I'm on trial or in AA or something. Yes - I acknowledge that the Pandora is very unlikely to undergo a major revision - FUTHERMORE I not only accept that fact, I welcome it. I don't want it undergo a major revision, again, because I want it to come out ASAP and as cheap as possible.

My goal was never to get Craig to say "You know what? Jorru is right! Let's scrap the clamshell and go with this 'PSP' motif! It should only take us another 6 - 18 months!" My goal was simply for those who kept tearing down the idea to say. "Ya, I could see that - but I prefer it this way." or even "I don't agree at all - but I can understand why someone might want that." Far too many people on this tread tore into the idea like it was the worst idea ever.

Jorru's idea would combine 3 very popular machines - a PSP, a DS, and an iPod Touch (or an N800). It would end up looking very much like an iPhone with the iControlPad device that Craig is working on - only far more powerful (except the whole "it's not a phone" thing).

It's not a bad idea. Maybe it's not the best idea. It certainly isn't going to happen in this version of the Pandora. But it's not a stupid, horrible, or meritless idea. And if certain people had only acknowledged *that* - I would have shut up days ago... Or I wouldn't have said anything in the first place.
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TaG said:
I notice on Prophet's sticky that there is no one has said they will be working on the Spectrum or C64 emulators. Anybody know any different?
(All this power in a handheld and we want to emulate the Spectrum... Funny old world)

zx-81 indicated that he would be making his excellent ports (of many 8-bit machines) to Pandora if/when he gets one --

And surely VICE will be ported by some kind soul!
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TaG said:
craigix said:
Anyone who had a Spectrum, Amiga, C64, ST, PC (etc.) knows how wonderful it will be to emulate those systems with a real keyboard.
I notice on Prophet's sticky that there is no one has said they will be working on the Spectrum or C64 emulators. Anybody know any different?
(All this power in a handheld and we want to emulate the Spectrum... Funny old world)

Wouldn't the existing ones just be ported?
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I looked up all of zx81's emus (did a search on zx81's emus at ED's GP2X file archive) and didn't see Speccy or C64. Did I miss some? Let me know (a link would be ideal) and I'll yellow light them.
Prophet said:
I looked up all of zx81's emus (did a search on zx81's emus at ED's GP2X file archive) and didn't see Speccy or C64. Did I miss some? Let me know (a link would be ideal) and I'll yellow light them.

Sorry, ZX-81 not Spectrum, my mistake.

(he didn't do a c64, just +4, which is why I mentioned VICE -- this will be my most-wanted emu and I will definitely donate to whoever does a great port :) )
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Prophet said:
Excellent, I'll yellow Speccy. :)
Should probably yellow only ZX80/81 but not Spectrum, I don't think zx-81's emu will cover Spectrum (unless I'm wrong?).
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chad78 said:
My goal was simply for those who kept tearing down the idea to say. "Ya, I could see that - but I prefer it this way." or even "I don't agree at all - but I can understand why someone might want that."
Perhaps some people don't agree at all and don't understand why someone would want that.
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Funny how all my treads turn into
Joppu said:
Funny how all my treads turn into
Demotivationals, how new and exciting! I love the internet, always showing me the cutting edge!
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Try playing any classic CRPG - Magic Candle, Wizardry, Wasteland/Dragon Wars - with a virtual keyboard. Try playing many, many Amiga games w/ a virtual keyboard. If you can't think of any, then you aren't trying :)

We need the hardware keyboard for true convergence. Also, GPH made the colossal mistake of trying to compete with the PSP and NDS at a cosmetic level - form factor, touch screen, etc, while failing to understand their real market: home-brew and emulation enthusiasts. The Pandora team wisely are avoiding the same mistakes, designing this to the specifications of the HB/Emu enthusiast community.

And those enthusiasts need the keyboard in order to truly enjoy Amiga/C64/Apple2e/MSX/Web browsing/Text messaging/you-get-the-point.
All this arguing, and I've just realised - a keyboard + Amiga emulator = perfect portable Frontier.

Bye bye life.
cools said:
All this arguing, and I've just realised - a keyboard + Amiga emulator = perfect portable Frontier.

Bye bye life.

I'm personally looking forward to Star Raiders on Atari 800. It'll play perfectly on Pandora thanks to the KB. A whole lot of great games on a bunch of computer emus will play perfectly.

I just hope Pandora gets released soon. The wait is nearly unbearable. :(
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PoisonedV said:
Demotivationals, how new and exciting! I love the internet, always showing me the cutting edge!

Wow, you're just a bitter, pathetic, unhappy son of a bitch, aren't you? Why the hell did you have to be a ass like that? god.
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chad78 said:
PoisonedV said:
Demotivationals, how new and exciting! I love the internet, always showing me the cutting edge!

Wow, you're just a bitter, pathetic, unhappy son of a bitch, aren't you? Why the hell did you have to be a ass like that? god.


(On several levels, too! :D)
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I personally think this thread has run it`s course and died a natural death underneath all the petty arguing, Name calling and general juvenile behaviour.


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