# Open Pandora
# Event-to-shscript map configuration
# pass 'hold duration' to the script
# if a number follows script name, will always force invocation at that time (or less)
pandora /usr/pandora/scripts/op_menu.sh 3
power /usr/pandora/scripts/op_power.sh 3
lcdbrightdown /usr/pandora/scripts/op_bright_down.sh
lcdbrightup /usr/pandora/scripts/op_bright_up.sh
# pass 'action code' to the script
# lid actions are: 1 lid-is-closing, 0 lid-is-opening
lid-toggle /usr/pandora/scripts/op_lid.sh
# logging level 0 means to include debug; level 1 (regular), 2 (warnings), 3 (errors)
loglevel 1
minimum_separation 1 # 1 second minimum between a single event repeating
# for LED-blinking when battery gets low
threshold 10 # in %age; at x%, we go into blink-mode as warning
check_interval 90 # in seconds to check threshold; should be a high 300s
blink_interval 2 # frequency of blink
blink_duration 50000 # how long a blink lasts, in uSecs
shutdown_threshold 5 # battery %age we force a shutdown (to save the SD!)
shutdown_script /usr/pandora/scripts/op_battlow.sh