Pandora Button Not Working


Aug 31, 2008
Glasgow, Scotland
Hey, I received my Pandora this morning and so far everything is great (got a slight bulge at the bottom of the LCD, but i can live with that!)

But, it seems my Pandora button doesn't do anything - i'm using the full desktop environment and the manual says pressing the Pandora button should bring up the apps menu, but when I press it, nothing happens?

Is there some way to test whether the button presses are registering (and therefore the fault is sw)?

Edit: I managed to test this myself - the button presses do register, and I can make a shorcut in the keyboard manager, but by default it looks as though the button isn't mapped to anything.

Is there supposed to be a command associated with the button by default?
Don't know... my Pandora button doesn't do anything in full desktop mode either. But if you switch to minimenu you can use it to quickly quit an app and go back to minimenu.
In xfce mode, Pandora butotn has two effects:
1) quick press -- bring up the xfce menu in bottom left (ie: like a windows Start menu)
2) a long press -- bering up a pnd-list, so you can kill pnd applications. (This can also sometimes break an app out of fullscreen, which can be handy.)

Having it bring up a full 'app runner' turned out to be slow, so we changed it to the menu instead.

In non-xfce, pressing pandora button will kill any pnd applications running. (ie: in minimenu, you can run one pnd app at a time, so pressing pandora button will force kill it, returning to minimenu.)

skeezix said:
In xfce mode, Pandora butotn has two effects:
1) quick press -- bring up the xfce menu in bottom left (ie: like a windows Start menu)

Ehh? Is that implemented yet? :o
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skeezix said:
In xfce mode, Pandora butotn has two effects:
1) quick press -- bring up the xfce menu in bottom left (ie: like a windows Start menu)
2) a long press -- bering up a pnd-list, so you can kill pnd applications. (This can also sometimes break an app out of fullscreen, which can be handy.)

Yup, this is what mine does.
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Hey, i now have another issue, whenever I start my Pandora from a cold boot, it starts with Orage open, and the Orage prefs open as well - there is nothing in any of the startup settings suggesting Orage should be starting, and nothing in Orage's settings which would suggest why it keeps opening itself - any ideas what could be happening here?
wisper ,hey you know that bloody orage thing well it's giving me fucking rage !!!!!!! rage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !

i have tried everything to get rid of it but i think it might be the clock on the taskbar so try removing it and re adding the anolog clock one instead.

and my panda button does the two functions ,always has since i updated after flash.

ps ,neogramps ,hey big shout out from falkirk to ya ! origins airdrie !

nope ,i tried removing the clock as i remember setting up the orage via clock settings somewhere so i thought it would be that ,but yep i think after you setup orage it will always appear at startup so i think this is a bug ,no way to get rid.
My pandora button can be a bit twitchy about doing things.. but I have had it open up the menu and call up the kill list.. it's not quite predictable what it'll bring up, but it mostly works. I imagine it's a software issue being strange here, but it doesn't really bother me much.

And wow, small world - I'm from Motherwell ;) though I'm working down here in Engerland at the moment.
Wow, one single button does so much different things...or not... onto identical Pandoras. :D
This is very interesting. It's a mad mad mad Linux-World. XD

Remembers me onto my always wanted (windows) Confirm dialogue:
Mmm, perhaps i should just map my Pandora button to kill Orage...

And hey fellow Scots, from Uddingston originally, but my Dad works in Falkirk (office block behind the cinema/maplin)

EDIT - *fixed* The orage thing is a session issue - before you logout, make sure orage isn't in the taskbar, then when you logout tick the "Save session for future logins" - next time you start up you won't get it popping up anymore.
neogramps, did you figure out how to fix your pandora button? Mine also does nothing.
can someone tell me the actual commands the pandora button is suppose to run so I can just make my own shortcuts since my pandora is apparently missing them?
Mine still does absolutely nothing in desktop mode

But works beautifully in minimenu