Pandora Pandora BIOS - Logo

Yes, a "pencil" as thick as the logo above being used to draw the logo over a series of seconds.

So you have:




followed by:


etc, until each letter is built up completely.
Squidge said:
Yes, a "pencil" as thick as the logo above being used to draw the logo over a series of seconds.

So you have:




followed by:


etc, until each letter is built up completely.
Each letter seperate at the same time or letter after letter? Well, this Idea is good. Maybe the Animation in 3D we could save even ore space, I imaging something like the old CAROLCO Logo from various Movies: (instead of a "C" it could be a "P" or the whole Word or just the Logo? )
oh and then a "TOTAL RECALL" Credits Opening starts!!! :lol: (I still have goosebumps when watching this outstanding intro with this amazing music)

Or the Logo-Letters just turning around like in the old United Artists Logo, maybe to slow but with such a music behind it could be cool:

...yes, I love Movies. :D
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Squidge said:
Yes, a "pencil" as thick as the logo above being used to draw the logo over a series of seconds.
I think I see what you mean. I might be able to accomplish this effect using Synfig, but it won't be easy. :P

Edit: I might be able to create a preview of what the end results could look like, I mean.
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Ideas, ideas, ideas. Cool ones indeed :)

How feasible would it be to "stick" the BIOS and kernel animations together? Any chance of making it seamless? Something like the BIOS displays a 2D image and the kernel animation program starts from that same image and does something more with it without aome kind of "flicker" in between? I'm getting REALLY cool images on my head. I'll try to get something to show you guys ASAP. I have the basic code for the kernel effect written, but I needed an idea for what to actually show :P But I just got that AND a way to blend it with a really-really-tiny BIOS animation (I'd risk to say less than 5KB) using the whole old-school-turns-into-new-gen theme.

It will just look SO cool if I get it to look how I'm imagining it. I just hope my artistic side can live up to it :D
Nope. Never really tried more than a lame attempt with .werkkzeug :P

But the idea here is very simple, so I think I can manage to do it, even it if takes hours with my awful 3dsmax skills :P
I'm sure someone can do something cooler than this, and with the "official" logo. I don't have the vector art for that though :P

w00t! 14KB! I don't know where the double-flicker came from, but that can be fixed easily. It needs a little more flash, but the idea is there. I'll fix it up later when I get the chance. :)

javaJake said:
w00t! 14KB! I don't know where the double-flicker came from, but that can be fixed easily. It needs a little more flash, but the idea is there. I'll fix it up later when I get the chance. :)

Why do you keep using this logo? Your stuff won't be used for sure if you keep using the wrong image :P.
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I tried making a model of this in blender, but I don't know shit about blender, so I failed, but I still think the cube-looking logo should be spinning. It would be small, but entertaining, relevant, and pretty.
I modelled it in max as part of my intro project. I'll release the model file with the rest when it's finished :)
You would have to be careful with your cube tho. You don't want it looking to GC/N64-ish. Nothing kills "non mainstream" faster than frivolous law suits.
Whilst we're on potential styles for animated "Pandora"s, an idea i came up with might be:

Start: Black screen:
Fade: Basic image of logo and text "Pandora" after it in white
Animation: image "bleeds" (not drips, but spreads out, like ink on blotting paper, possibly from the vertices of letters, possibly from arbitrary points on them) until the entire image is white.
Fade: Basic image of logo and text "Pandora" in black.
Freeze image (looping would look tacky).

Timed right, this could look very cool, ideally with the initial fading taking a second or so, the final fading taking the same, and the "bleeding" taking up the reaminder of the boot process.

Probably wouldn't fit in the bios, and I'm guessing would take far too long to play through (I envisage a minimum of 5 seconds, and optimal play of 10, and it working for as long as 20, though I could be wrong), but hey would be a cool boot anim :).
As Squidge already mentioned. Most things are too big for the bios.

Keeping this in mind a Splashscreen of the logo first up then a 'seamless' switch to an animation using the same logo as a starting point is more probable. You would just have the bootloader do the anim.

For the less tech minded. Think your mobos splash screen then XP load anim. Cept have them both use the same logo. AND not clear the logo to give you all the post info.
Insanemal said:
As Squidge already mentioned. Most things are too big for the bios.

Keeping this in mind a Splashscreen of the logo first up then a 'seamless' switch to an animation using the same logo as a starting point is more probable. You would just have the bootloader do the anim.

For the less tech minded. Think your mobos splash screen then XP load anim. Cept have them both use the same logo. AND not clear the logo to give you all the post info.
good idea. i wouldnt think the bios load would take THAT long, but linux loading might take some time. plus we could do more complex/larger animations.
tho, i do think the bios image should fade-in, or blur-in.
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Some kind of simple fade is probably possible. Or even some sort of simple pixel work. Like buidling the image pixel by pixel.

cb88 said:
I know this is pretty far out and nobody might know anything about it but couldn't the bios be in one ring on the cpu while linux boots on the other ring? then full control would be given to linux after the boot finishes...

not sure of the practicality of that since xen apparently doesn't support arm fully but i think i have seen xen/arm kernel images?

maybe i barking up the wrong tree there though.... but i must admit that the tech is pretty interesting if not mature
Ok. Well thats kinda right and kinda wrong. See just because they are in different rings, doesnt mean they can load simultaneously.
Its the bios that fires up the hardware and kicks off linux booting. And linux controls some parts of the hardware via the bios. (At least this is true on x86) I believe they do exist in different rings. But i dont do low level os coding so I could be slightly wrong.
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How about for during the BIOS loading it shows PANDORA being typed out in some system style font, but quite large with the _ blinking, like it's some sort of command prompt from some computer from the 70s/80s. It'd be like:

















Then after it's finished being typed out the _ can just keep blinking whilst it waits. I imagine it would be quite easy to make in code, rather than using an image. After it gets through the BIOS and into booting linux some fancy graphics could be used to make it transform to some sexeh font and have the logo drawn onto it.

Also, is there any idea on approximately how long it should take to get through the BIOS booting to booting something from the built in memory? Half a second? 1? 2? 5? 10?