Pandora At Consumer Electronics Show Ces 2009?

Username said:
It would be great for the project to be able to show up, but MWeston seems to be one of the only devs in the states and (all costs aside) he might be too busy to even show up. But if it could happen, this would gain a lot of publicity.
I thought he was from Canada. :D
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If someone knowledgeable who has pre-ordered just happens to get their Pandora early enough and can turn up as a punter and start using it in front of the right people...
Grench said:
It would be cool to even have a prototype mock up sitting in a glass case in the Texas Instruments booth. A running unit with a looped program in the display would be even better. Will TI have the OMAP on display at CES?
+1. They'd love a prototype of the Pandora at CES, it would do a great job of showing off the power of the OMAP3 for them.
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Grench said:
It would be cool to even have a prototype mock up sitting in a glass case in the Texas Instruments booth. A running unit with a looped program in the display would be even better. Will TI have the OMAP on display at CES?
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Tradeshows are dying anyway...

That said, if you're an up and coming tech product (like OpenPandora), these shows are probably a good way to meet n greet with big companies...if you were looking for someone to buy the project (and ruin it!). :rolleyes:

Anyway, sounds expensive. Let those interested find OpenPandora the old fashioned way...on YouTube! :)