Pandora Alternative

I like the idea for this product, but I think it lacks marketability. It's going to need a sleek and attractive advertising campaign if it's ever going to see the light of day.


This product would be a great next step for OpenPandora.
optional106 said:
I suggest the classic Three Wolf Moon T-shirt as it should be sufficient to conceal his bare belly, yet also help to provide a suitable conversation topic in case he attracts female attention.

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MonkeyChops said:
optional106 said:
I think John Doe should purchase a T-shirt that fits first, as we don't want people laughing at him.

I suggest the classic Three Wolf Moon T-shirt as it should be sufficient to conceal his bare belly, yet also help to provide a suitable conversation topic in case he attracts female attention.

I hope that this can be corrected in further suggestions

So it would go something like this?

Excellent effort !
Thats exactly the reaction I was expecting, although maybe the girls are not fully feeling the power of the three wolves, as I can only see 2 wolves on John Doe's T shirt.
Rember its the Wolf to T-shirt ratio that is important, heaven forbid we don't want the girls laughing at us now, do we

Secretly hoping your picture has 3 wolves, but currently bad link ...
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RoboShmup said:
I like the idea for this product, but I think it lacks marketability. It's going to need a sleek and attractive advertising campaign if it's ever going to see the light of day.


This product would be a great next step for OpenPandora.

I love it. You've simplified its shape to something memorable and palatable. They won't be able to keep this thing on the shelves.
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I just realised that the solitary backrest of the chair is hardly enough to support what appears to be fifteen tonnes of sheer awesomeness. We need a redesign. I suggest Adamantium is a suitable replacement for spruce wood.
No, seriously. This is to much.

You have gone way to far.

This isn't funny any more.

This is obviously nonsense.

I mean...

what sense make an magic tree on a device which is for using at fresh air... ;)

Keep going. I love it :) you made a lot of my days so far (can I say that so)
Esn said:
They won't be able to keep this thing on the shelves.
The culprit there may well be the awkward size, shape, and likely weight of the device.

Jourdy288 said:
Where's the mod when you need one?
Joining in on page two, by the looks of it. ;)
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Oh my god. SERIOUSLY WTF GUYS! Of all things you could of missed out... you forgot to add a cup holder.

I am dissapoint.
The results of using the "John Doe Machine" too long:


In Between:

Corecannon said:
Oh my god. SERIOUSLY WTF GUYS! Of all things you could of missed out... you forgot to add a cup holder.
You do realize it uses a Pentium computer, right? Retractable cup holders are pretty standard in those, it shouldn't need to be stated.
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(naw)mcx Who seems incapable of taking a good joke said:
Jourdy, you're spoiling it.
Aw, come on, whats a good joke?
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