Pandora Alternative

I'm looking at this amazing artwork and thinking "make a game out of this .. how ..?"

Edit: like, it could be some sort of 2D game where you start out all fat and game-device-less, and have to sort of roll around the landscape and pick bits up that belong together, then they assemble on you as you move around, and you score more points the more bits you pick up .. Think "Run, Hitler Run!", but with Takamari-Damacy (whatever it is) elements .. hmm .. hmm ... hmm ..
John Doe would make a great boss battle.

"Taste destruction from my superior portable gaming hell on wheels with a frickin laser beam attached to its head! Die Pandora Fanboys!"

(keys to victory: jump, fire twice, duck, distract with porn, upload virus)

Dear God, I can't believe John Doe hasn't shown his face yet, this is the most troll food I've ever seen.
Where did I put my meds again? I'm sorry guys, but either I'm hallucinating, or somebody has been smoking salvia while watching Teletubbies...
What I still don't understand is why he's got a head-mounted projector AND a CRT monitor...
Vorporeal said:
What I still don't understand is why he's got a head-mounted projector AND a CRT monitor...

Its a new version of one of those fancy rear-projection CRT, except its front-projection.
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I insist. He needs something to protect his dignity. Also, the rocket should be labeled "biofuel powered"; we don't want to scare off customers.

Since it's the only piece of cloth suitable for that,
why not embroid the device's logo on the dignity protector?
Give the product a face!
True mobility! Also, I added a DDR Pad. That way, not only can you control games with your hands, but with your feet as well!
If this isn't a "Run Hitler, Run!" style pick-up game by this time next week, I'll .. I'll .. lick my turd storage tank.

Honestly, I'm considering collecting all these pics, vector'izing them, and turning them into the next SMASH HIT game for Pandora .. or Wiz .. or .. Small Tree.

optional106 said:
I think John Doe should purchase a T-shirt that fits first, as we don't want people laughing at him.

I suggest the classic Three Wolf Moon T-shirt as it should be sufficient to conceal his bare belly, yet also help to provide a suitable conversation topic in case he attracts female attention.

I hope that this can be corrected in further suggestions

So it would go something like this?
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