Overclock or dont overclock??


Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2003
Ok, a lot of people have talked about overclocking latley and i tried it with the gpengine up to 166 mhz, but what damage can it cause to you gp32, and is even going to 156 unsafe? I mean has anyone actually damaged there gp32?
No one has reported a damaged GP32 through overclocking. One board member did an overclocking test where he left a GP32 on four 24hrs at 166mhz with sound. It never even heated up and no damage was done.

As far as the community goes I now think that most people agree that 166 is the maximum safe speed if you can go that high. However the usual do at your own risk rule applies.
is 166 a hardware limit or is there potential for more, anyone tried higher speeds, since it seems the machines vary in there limits could there be a batch that could do 177 or something
Neogenetics posted on Sep 3 2003 said:
Ok, a lot of people have talked about overclocking latley and i tried it with the gpengine up to 166 mhz, but what damage can it cause to you gp32, and is even going to 156 unsafe? I mean has anyone actually damaged there gp32?
I thought that overclocking would mess up my gp32 but it doesn't. Try it out. If your gp32 can't handle at certain clock setting, the gp32 just restarts. No damage done to the gp32. My gp32 can only run without freezing at 156, when I go to 166 i can only play for a very short amount of time.
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If someone could post the next mhz hex increment up from 166 or one of the following. I would be willing to try. As my GP32 already runs flawlessly at 166mhz.

1) The hex code for 172mhz (or what ever) for snes9xgp.

2) The snes9xgp.fxe already patched to the next increment.

3) Or some other program that runs at the next increment.

Unless Craig is willing to give it a go with one of his many GP32. :D :P

Mine is tested with GPDoom and GPCinema, works fine up to 156MHz, totally freezes at 166MHz. I never overclock tho, this was just testing how far it could go, usually I run everything at 133MHz max.