Outcast Alpha 004


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
Edit: I'll just put 004 up now shall I? Not bothering to repost, so hopefully the forum will show the updated title.

Version 004 is here, and at least includes a readme so you know how to set it up.
- fixes the sticky joystick, now plays well
- includes a basic directory browser; ie: still depends on /roms/atari-st (Sorry :) , but you can put subdirectories in there now to at least break disk images up. Hopefully I didn't bugger the whole thing up.
- mouse should work better (note that some games really hate the 'both' combined joy/mouse mode, so sometimes you need to switch to 'mouse mode' to make it happier)
- I still need to fix timing on a couple menus so it doesn't scroll insanely fast, I'll do that soon.
Should be pretty solid now, barring the fast menus.



Uploaded it to the archive; please ignore the other one in the wrong category :)



-- old post --

Post this as news if you like, now that its working well :)

A bunch of fixes and improvements relative to alpha 001.

EDIT: Replaced 002 with 003, re-download!

- audio is in
- it should throttle down to 60fps; I'd buggered something up in last one to make it slow.. unthrottled this is running crazy fast
- it will pick up notaz mmuhack kernel module if its present (not needed, but included in the zip)
- most menus are usable (a few are still scrolling too fast to use :)
- floppy access indicators are back and working

- main outstanding odditiy is the joystick may 'stick' when crossing from diagonals to ordinal directions; I'll fix that soon.

This one seems solid!

(yes, there was for a good 30 mins a version 002, but it had some issues I luckily found quick, so nab this one instead!)

Get it here:

I have also written up a brief "what is the ST" blog entry, which I'll use as a prelude to my next Game of the Week: http://www.rjmitchell.ca/~jeff/blog2009/20...e-of-the-weeks/


Ah, I might have found the memory corruption issue, so maybe a fixed release tomorrow. Always the way.. work your rear, find nothing.. release and boom, yep, there it is.


Edit:Redownload it, I fixed things quick. Let me know how it goes, I'm flying out the door right now :)
PM me if you want to do some quick beta-testing of another build, where I've done a few handy changes, but I've no time to test much.

I've got a 004 build I'll keep for PMers for a couple days, see how it goes. Doesnm't seem like the emu is getting much attention.. not enough ST fans with Wizes yet!

004 makes the joystick really good fealing (not sticky anymore), and adds a basic directory browsing option so you can go up/down to pick disk images, and a few other fixes and improvements. Wanted to get that tested a bit before I post it, since it could break everything and I've not the time to work it over hard. Still, seems to work..

Hello !

It was a very loooong time for me from the gp32 to now ! But my little frenchy-heart (<-it's for explaining my "engrish") have made a boom for the Wiz ! So, just to thank you for all your efforts to port to the Wiz your splendid emu !... And also a little question ;) : I can't use the mouse buttons, is it normal ?

Another time thx dear Skeezix,

Best regards,

An ooooold gamer
hey ToYoT,

Grab my ever-so-secret version 004; its significantly untested due to lack of time, but I did add some cool stuff, and fix a few things. Mouse clicks should work. IT has a built in directory browser of sorts (just within /roms/atari-st, but you can add subdirs there now.) Let me know if it seems to work well, as I've not officially posted it yet. See PM.

hey ToYoT,
Grab my ever-so-secret version 004; its significantly untested due to lack of time, but I did add some cool stuff, and fix a few things. Mouse clicks should work. IT has a built in directory browser of sorts (just within /roms/atari-st, but you can add subdirs there now.) Let me know if it seems to work well, as I've not officially posted it yet. See PM.


Hi Skeezix.

I will test your "secret version" if you want. The last version seemed pretty good other than the control. I also noticed some games would change speed a bit too. It would be interesting to see how this one fares.
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I'll post it soon; its not so secret in that its some amazing thing, I just didn't want to release total garbage out to the public so wanted to get a few people to try it on first. (ie: With the very basic dfirectory browsing hacked in, it possibly could be a total disaster. I'm in that mode where I dont' even have time to test it myself :/) That said, my naming conventions are pretty consistent so a few people found it

I suspect the triggers (as mouse clicks in some modes) don't work yet, but I've not tested it.

I really should make the default mode a little screwier, but safer; mabe while holding down one button (A?) the d-pad controls mouse and triggers do clicks, otherwise joystick; the current 'both' mode is pretty good, but some games get freaked out by the constant spool of info from joystick and mouse at same time. Ah well.

The sound really sucks; I'd forgotten how bad was at writing soujnd code.. thats like 4 year old code; I really need to revisit that :P

For mouse emulation you know we have a touchscreen there that could be used too. While it may not be too practical for games it would work for navigating in the desktop and when using some programs like paint programs etc.

Yeah that sound, I remember bitchin about that on the Gp2X version. Maybe the other ST emu Hatari has a better sound core?

If you are going to hardcode directories I would suggest at least two places that it can look, one as it is now, and the other would be a ROMS directory that is in the same directory as OutcaST.
yep on all accounts.

Actualy touchscreen is sort of a pain to emulate, since it means the mouse can jump randomly around. (as to a real mouse where it has to move linearly form one place to another.) Its annoying due to how the OS works (it has a limit as to how far the mouse can jump), but I need to look into other emus to see how they pull it off well.. my touchscreen mouse (ie: on Palm OS etc) was always a little funky.

Hatari is a better all around emu (it never had to run on 100MHz :), so we'll probabyl move over to that after awhile.
