Outcast 008 Alpha Released

PSyMastR posted on Feb 17 2006 at 04:08 AM said:
Does "Grandad : Quest for the Holey Vest" actually exist on the net? It seems to be invisible.

It does, but as it was a shareware title, it is now a bit harder to find. It is worth looking though :)

Afaik, the game exists as a standalone file and also as a part of one of the menu disks. I will check when I get home and PM you with details.
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Absolutely brilliant! Thanks skeezix.
Llamatron now has a load of sounds working! I also used to have Grandad on my STE, and I'm definitely going to hunt out that game.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks again.
Yep this is a fantastic emulator, I'm really enjoying it. Thanks Skeezix, oh and if you haven't got one already may I recommend a DaveC cap for your GP2X. It makes it all the sweeter :)
Theres much to do yet, but I'm pleased with it so far. The config-file stuff will be handy, and lots of core alterations to do. Real Life is keeping me occupied of late :P

I should be geting a DaveC cap soon. I'll blog up all about it :)

Hi Skeezix,

i have a GP32 since almost 4 years, i was used to play with Castaway (i love supercars 2).
now i have my gp2x since once month and i have installed Outcast only today.

I have two things to says: THANKS and you are GREAT


herc. :ph34r: