Out Of Curiosity...

I think I've got you all beat. I'll turn 49 in April. We even had the first home video game system ever made , Odyssey system by Magnavox.
It's amazing how far things have changed.
mali said:
kin said:
lol the gma500 is an issue.. I tried to install xubuntu or linux mint but found out driversupport is dead (thnx to Intel) :)
Actually there are really good new drivers in the pipeline. They were demonstrated at mobildevcamp09(sp?) on Moblin.

but they have been cancelled since. (mali, you are too active here and neglected netbooknews &co recently ;) ). however, the current driver situation is quite good:
at least 720p is easy and i was driving an external fullHD monitor without any problems (full xrandr support, too). glxgears is at ~1100. so not bad at all for such a small device.

real problem are the other components.
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36 here. The panda will be my new Speccy/Amiga/Megadrive. Spent most of my life on those machines when I wasn't out of my head on alcohol and every mind-altering drug I could get my hands on - started drink/drugs at 11 years old and had the best teenage life imaginable! There's nothing like coding colour-cycling Amiga graphics whilst out of your head on LSD :)

Though I'm really not as bad as I used to be, I still get off my head whenever possible.

In the morning I feel like 60, at noon like 30, in the evening 25 and when the weekend comes just 16 !
My passport says 42, and yes I'm someone's dad.
hch said:
Dunny said:
There's nothing like coding colour-cycling Amiga graphics whilst out of your head on LSD :)


that's almost sig worthy stuff.

So good, you posted twice - I salute you, sir.

But yes, there's nothing like it. I do most of my best coding when out of my mind - well, it looks like my best code at the time... But it's all good fun and no harm done in the long run. And of course, there's the added bonus that my teenage son is rebelling right now, by being a quiet, well adjusted young man without a hint of malice about his character :)

Win all round, I reckon :)

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hch said:
mali, you are too active here and neglected netbooknews &co recently ;)
I've tried to withstand, but Pandora consumed me again :D
What a lovely device she is(or will be) :wub:
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30 and just found out my 3rd child will be a boy.... I hope the Pandora is Toddler-Tough :D
42. My first computer was an old school VIC-20 then a C64 then a C128, before moving onto PCs.

Will be 17 in April.

Waiting for Pandora to play N64, PSX, SNES, NES, Genesis, and Dreamcast, Gamecube and PS2 with StreamMyGame.
cappuchok said:
john4p said:
31 and I call the Pandora my portable Amiga 500 since I am feeling exactly the same excitement I had 19 years ago. ;)

^ What he said. :)
Same here except I'm 32 and for me it was the Vic20, C64 and the Amiga 500 that got me this excited :)
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most enjoyed gaming system of all time....
The winner was the C64.
The amiga was eventually fun as well but never as exciting.

My first computer was a programmable radio shack calculator (Really a TI), played games programmed from a book. It would make a decent door stop with it's wedge shape if it was still around.

39 Here! Hoping I'll get my Pandora before I hit 40 and start the awkward slide down the hill:-) My first computer was a second hand Vic 20. I spent so many mornings typing in code from magazines and fixing syntax errors, so I could play a game in the afternoon. Then I got the pinnacle of tech with a cassette tape drive so I could save all those mornings of work, and load them up to play in less than 20 minutes! For home consoles I remember when Pong swept the globe, and we had a Coleco Telstar to play it at home, and it cost $200.00US. My friends next door had an Odyssey 2000 and I thought it was the the greatest thing, until Xmas 1977 when we got an Atari 2600. So basically I've been here through every generation of gaming, and look forward to having my entire mispent youth in that wonderful box. :P
mali said:
^Congrats :)


My kids (4 and 2) are already both big gamers. They never let me have any time with my ds.

Its funny, I taught my brother how to enter cheat codes before he could read. Guess it runs in the family. :)
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I saw the original Star Wars in the theaters, so yeah i'm ancient(i'm told I look younger than I am so I have that in my favor).
mali said:
Actually there are really good new drivers in the pipeline. They were demonstrated at mobildevcamp09 on Moblin.

that's it, the end is nigh. run for your lives.
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This thread is sooo fiya!!!

I had no idea you guys were so..err you know not young.
I expected a bunch of teens and people in their mid 20's, but this is fire. All different type of age groups...no wonder these forums don't go completely out o control like other console's scenes (GBAtemp I'm looking at you)