Out Of Curiosity...

I'm fifteen, and started following in 2008 when I was 13 :o

I've always had a love/hate relationship with technology :P
30years old... Long time, original gp32er here and my Pandora will be my c64!!
borgqueenx said:
How did you get permission from your parents? they still support the pre-order? my parents kinda forget about my preorder and i dont talk about it anymore unless i get a mail with a tracking code what will contain my pandora.

My dad is stupid and starts to forget most things after 6 hours - 3 days if you dont repeat it.

offtopic: my parents are over-reacting in the alcohol thing. When im at home there is a houserule. I may not drink more then twice per day in the weekend. During school/working days im not allowed to drink a single drop. Its like aaaaargh!

Weed (once 2 weeks-once a month) and alcohol @ and after school :D, no alcohol @ home sadly.
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I'm 37. Glad to see fellow 30-40 year old's here. Good to know I'm not the only one who refuses to let go of the good things in childhood. LOL

Unless someone ports over the Spectravideo emulator (SVI-328) which I doubt (Blue MSX emulates it too, in any case I would flip for it), This won't be like having my old PC, but as I had said before, I predicted one day around 2000 to a fellow co worker that the coolest idea was to build a handheld device specifically for emulation, at that time I knew it would be years before the tech was good enough or cost effective enough. But I told him that someday that would be the moneymaker. He agreed. I wish I worked with him now, in a couple of months I would love to be able to show him this beauty, which even surpasses the dream I once had. This is the real reason I was glad to have found this and why I have managed the wait. It's literally what I dreamt of and more. Media,Internet,Gaming,Lots of storage with easy swapping, great battery life, what's not to love!
I'm 21, just starting to feel old. I can still remember playing DK on my brother's snes when he got it, man, those were the days.
Mithrildor said:
It kinda scares me that some folks out here could have been my dad (in an age-wise perspective)
Muhahaha, dad is watching you :P
Old farts are just idiots for their own kids and much cooler in "real life" or some such thing ;)
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Ordered my Pandora when I was 16, and now I'm 38! WTF!? LOL :P

Hopefully I won't be 60 before it arrives!

Physically 39 going on 40, mentally, right now, 18 again. I'm feeling the same I felt in '88 when I got my Amiga 5'undred (which I still have). Hope I get the Pandora before or at least on my b'day (next month). Oh what a loverly b'day it would be. Me and Pandy, all fine and dandy. To be lost in that technological wonder. Again....Dreamland.....
I'm 11. I'm buying a Pandora so that i can emulate xbox 360 games on a portable. My life long dream. Ive always wanted to play Halo 3 on my DS thats come true now except pandora has more buttons and a bigger screen!!!!!!!!!!!
Corecannon said:
I'm 11. I'm buying a Pandora so that i can emulate xbox 360 games on a portable. My life long dream. Ive always wanted to play Halo 3 on my DS thats come true now except pandora has more buttons and a bigger screen!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh you, Corecannon, oh you!
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39, and I'm looking forward to playing Pong and the TRS-80 version of Moon Lander. (j/k)

Mithrildor said:
It kinda scares me that some folks out here could have been my dad (in an age-wise perspective)

The upper range of the age spectrum seems to coincide with being a kid when the first home computer systems (weren't there TV ads for the Timex Sinclair?) and video gaming in general (arcade games and home consoles) became available.

Wade-newb said:
I'm fifteen, and started following in 2008 when I was 13 :o

I've always had a love/hate relationship with technology :P

"Always." :)
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Mithrildor said:
My dad is stupid and starts to forget most things after 6 hours - 3 days if you dont repeat it.
I am quite sure he's not nearly as stupid as you think. You should show him some more respect.

Oh, and 28.
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