Out Of Curiosity...

I'll be 20 by the time the Pandora is in my hands.

Bought the pandora for my 16th birthday present two months after my birthday(so no presents from anyone), I am 17 now. Still eagerly awaiting my pandora :lol:
:) Wow Big age range... Its interesting to find out the range of Pandora owners, Its relevent, it gives an idea of what people might be interested in I think (software wise)

Im 33 BTW... I hope Ive got mine before the end of April or I`ll be 34 (BOOOOOOOO!!!) lol.

Still, thats about 2 more months... Ahem!

For the list my Pandora will be my own personal minature C64, Amiga and Deffo a big list of arcade machines (for nostalgic purposes).

After that I`ll take snes, Megadrive, Speccy, Playstation, N64(hopefully), and lets face it home brew and anything else I can throw at it BIGTIME! :lol:
0x26 years. And that takes me back to copying machine code listings into REM statements on a ZX81!
Xian Long said:
i find it interesting that i've been waiting for the pandora for about 2 years of my life now.

also brings back memories of waiting for the mother 3 fan translation.

Yay! another M3 fan here...i followed that project from start to finish, had to order a new f5 key, and i'm gonna need another one after my Panda ships! I actually started playing it on a DS lite flash cart, and then my DS broke and I never finished it. Needless to say, i'll be finishing it on the Pandora. (finally!). Oh yeah, almost forgot, i'm 24, probably will be 25 when Pandora finally ships. I've got quite a few people at work interested, so i may be sending some of them here to read all about it once it comes out.
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I'm 21 for most of the year, let's hope I'll still be when my Pandora comes!
It's nice to see all the young kids especially, I got into programming / game development when I was about 11-12 and I've been doing it ever since (now I'm 3 months away from a Master's in Computer Science and happy to almost be done with school forever!)
Awakening said:
Turned 29 a little over 7 hours ago :)

Why wasn't this thread made as a poll? For once it would have made sense with a poll...
I think OP was a little wasted when he made the thread ;)
Also, happy b-day buddy. Hope it went well.
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I am 23, not that it has any importance.

More importantly, I am:
About 2/3s of the way though an Associates of Science Pre-major.
Technology Officer for my college's chapter of Phi Theta Kappa
Student Government Association Secretary at my college.
I will be using the Pandora for both work and pleasure.
I plan to transfer to NC State University to do a dual major in Computer Science and Computer Engineering.
Jeffery Mewtamer said:
I am 23, not that it has any importance.

More importantly, I am:
About 2/3s of the way though an Associates of Science Pre-major.
Technology Officer for my college's chapter of Phi Theta Kappa
Student Government Association Secretary at my college.
I will be using the Pandora for both work and pleasure.
I plan to transfer to NC State University to do a dual major in Computer Science and Computer Engineering.
I'm at NCSU for Computer Science. It will be nice to have another Pandora in the vicinity.
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