Out Of Curiosity...

I'm 31. The Pandora will be my portable everything-I-ever-owned-since-the-speccy-48k
TrashyMG said:
AquaAnalogue said:
I am 19 years of age. *sips vodka*

A real man slams vodka.. Dammit

Well, that's what I normally do but I'm almost out and reinforcements won't be arriving any time soon :(

I need more 21-year-old friends :(
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Asmo said:
Monk said:
You're all just kids. I am hoping I get my Pandora before I turn 45.

gnasher666 said:
38 and I remember typing code in from a magazine on my ZX81 and the memory pack (16K!) would wobble and crash the computer, damn 3 hours of typing down the drain (which is alomst as long as the games took to load from tape)

Did you stick a strip of foam padding along the edge of your ZX81, where the RAM pack plugged in? Seemed to work a treat for stability!

A full slab of Blu-Tak placed under the Ram Pack and rear of the ZX81 sorted that. I think that was almost official Sinclair tech support.

Good old 'Your Computer' magazine. Bucking the trend with actual Machine Code games listings instead of BASIC.
You didn't want to lose where you were in those listings though. Chaos.

Guess that places me in the oldie camp ;)

31 here..

The first computer I used was a ZX81, I was 4 at the time so didn't get much out of it.. When I was 9 or 10, I got a TRS-80 model I with a Level II basic Expansion, My dad wired in a toggle switch to switch from capitol to lower case lettering, since by itself it had no lower case lettering.. I was writing reports for school even when I was in high school.
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Username said:
mali said:
A real real man stops drinking alcohol and starts chugging it ;)
Well, I saw complete families being eradicated over the years. Mom and Dad alcoholics, three sons alcoholics. The oldest one of them was a friend of mine, he died eight years ago. A younger brother of him was still alive at that time, dunno if he still exists as I moved elsewhere. There _are_ people who survive longer, like someone from the family of my GF. He's over 80 years old and lies in a pool of blood in the stairway once a month, because he fell while trying to climb the stairs with completely boozy brain. Yay! Idiots or too weak to stop, dunno.
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Asmo said:
Monk said:
You're all just kids. I am hoping I get my Pandora before I turn 45.

gnasher666 said:
38 and I remember typing code in from a magazine on my ZX81 and the memory pack (16K!) would wobble and crash the computer, damn 3 hours of typing down the drain (which is alomst as long as the games took to load from tape)

Did you stick a strip of foam padding along the edge of your ZX81, where the RAM pack plugged in? Seemed to work a treat for stability!

A full slab of Blu-Tak placed under the Ram Pack and rear of the ZX81 sorted that. I think that was almost official Sinclair tech support.

Good old 'Your Computer' magazine. Bucking the trend with actual Machine Code games listings instead of BASIC.
You didn't want to lose where you were in those listings though. Chaos.

Guess that places me in the oldie camp ;)

Ahh, the old Hex Editor for entering maching code. Now - was Load into Accumulat "2A"? I can't quite recall... pretty sure 2A was a value I sued a lot, but it's been a few...ah...decades...
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Maybe a combination of both Mali, but to be brutally honest, 99.9% of those incidents happen due to the environment they are in, as we all know it starts in the home.

But not to derail the mini topic, glad to see people are acting there age, and can now understand why little incidents happen here.
Game_over said:
Maybe a combination of both Mali, but to be brutally honest, 99.9% of those incidents happen due to the environment they are in, as we all know it starts in the home.
Agreed :)
Thus I don't drink anymore to protect the kids. I drank much when I was younger, but had no problem to stop drinking and smoking. Most people aren't that strong though and shouldn't even start with excessive drug consumption ;)

Game_over said:
glad to see people are acting there age, and can now understand why little incidents happen here.
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Mithrildor said:
Im 15 but in 4 months I will be 16 ( :D )
ah, the young ones of the netherlands :P

i am 19 years of age.
How did you get permission from your parents? they still support the pre-order? my parents kinda forget about my preorder and i dont talk about it anymore unless i get a mail with a tracking code what will contain my pandora.

offtopic: my parents are over-reacting in the alcohol thing. When im at home there is a houserule. I may not drink more then twice per day in the weekend. During school/working days im not allowed to drink a single drop. Its like aaaaargh!
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I'm 40, hope I won't be 41 before I finally get my hands on Pandora.

Just glad I'm not the oldest soul on good ship Pandora.
I'm 19, was 17 when I ordered but turned 18 not much later (November). Actually the Pandora was paid with my birthday-money :D

Now I hope that this thing will arrive before I'm turning 20...
borgqueenx said:
How did you get permission from your parents? they still support the pre-order? my parents kinda forget about my preorder and i dont talk about it anymore unless i get a mail with a tracking code what will contain my pandora.

I know I'm not the one you replied to, but since I'm also young(14) I would go ahead and answer the question.

My parents weren't too sure, but since it was all my own money I just had to convince them that what I would be buying would be worth it(Which of course, it definitely is), even though I wasn't sure at the time when I would be receiving it. After I showed them some videos, forum and blog posts they were convinced enough to let me go ahead and pre-order.
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Been following since the beginning... lurked mostly before registering....
The ball and chain wont let me buy one , so i keep reading and dreaming. maybe the second batch??
any way im 48 going on 14...lol
done the listings out of magazines thing, c64, Vic20 and older stuff too . first one i built had lots of switches to set the data bits and another to toggle the data in.. the best it could do was light red leds. program was a ramdom number generator.. a die ( singular of dice ?? )
Im 30 going to be 31 in March and I followed the project for almost a year and preordered last Oct. :)