Our New Machine, Pandora

Should this thread die?

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Squidge said:
migo said:
I hope that the keyboard supports alternate layouts, or comes with Dvorak or Colemak by default instead of
Like its been already said, the keys will be labelled qwerty-style, but there's no stopping you selecting a different layout in the software. Just don't expect to learn Dvorak or Colemak using the keyboard, otherwise your going to be really confused :)

Which reminds me, I really confused someone who came to do some work at my PC. I don't bother looking at the keys myself, so the last time I cleaned the keyboard, I decided to save some time and put the keys back wherever they fitted (ie, a completely random order). They didn't notice for a while until they looked up at the screen and noticed a complete jumble of characters :D

How about making the keys easily relabled then? As I said before, QWERTY is about as bad as it gets for thumb typing, and you can't blind type on a thumb board. If you're going to just do QWERTY, you might as well leave the keyboard out alltogether and save some money in production.
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yesterday my zodiac was stolen by some housebreakers. they also has stolen my saxophon and many other things from my family.
now i´m thinking about which device i will buy as a replacement..
until now i´ve 3 options:

nokia n800 (cheap/bad design) 75x144x13 (/17)
nokia n810 (smaller, good design/higher price) 72×128×14 mm
the craignator --> do we know how big it would be. i prefer a smaller device. would it be bigger or smaller than the nokia n810

to compare: zodiac: 79x143x14 mm

thanks for helping me.
Craiginator is still in code name stage... you'll be waiting for quite a while if you expect it to be a viable choice, by when Nokia will have some new systems.
Extremely popular mobile email device in US; don't know about elsewhere:

Well, the weekend is over by any reasonable definition and not a peep...... I hate to say I told you so but honestly.. I did. :) I hope they don't rush the machine or they will screw it up like GPH, but dangling a carrot over everyone's nose like this is just ridiculous when no official word ever arrives. The updates on aspects of the design from MWeston have been very informative but what is so big a production that it can't be emailed, and has to be mailed out to everyone-- when it'll just end up posted online anyway as soon as people receive it? It's just more wasted time and resources IMHO if all that is being sent is a little pamphlet, which is what I expect. Even that might be too lofty and it's just a sheet of paper with a render and a little text. Hell even releasing a name would put a stop to lots of this ridiculous speculation and more info would stop insane ramblings about using the device as a desktop PC to do voice dictation and your taxes while VOIP'ing (is that a word?) with your family. Give me a break...
Stealth Bagel said:
but dangling a carrot over everyone's nose like this is just ridiculous when no official word ever arrives.
Everything Cragix, MWeston, and the others say comes with a disclaimer, and you ought to get used to that. :P
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migo said:
God Ginrai said:
migo said:
I skipped ahead to page 301, as all 305 would be too much to get through, especially with the arguing at the beginning.
If you don't want to read all the pages, but want the general gist, I suggest you read all the posts in this topic by Craigix, MWeston, Evil Dragon, Squidge, DaveC, and any posts that they are addressing, and that should generally give you a good understanding of most of what we've covered. ;)

-God Ginrai

How do I do that? I tried doing a search for CraigX in the search thread box, but it didn't limit it to posts by him.

You'll just have to use your mouse and your eyes. Read pages 1-4 or such, and then, from then on, click onto the next page, scan the users that posted on the page to see if they are any of the names I listed, read their posts, and then click onto the next page and repeat.

-God Ginrai
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migo said:
How about making the keys easily relabled then?
No problem. Every Craiginator™ can ship with one of these: http://www.paperstone.co.uk/cat_1540-1549-...-per-Sheet.aspx

migo said:
As I said before, QWERTY is about as bad as it gets for thumb typing, and you can't blind type on a thumb board.
Practice makes perfect. You can blind type on anything once you have used it often enough. For example, I would have never thought it, but I can blind text on my mobile phone - even to the point where I can send perfectly readable and understandable messages with the phone behind my back (although the WPM does take a hit then compared to having it in front of me).

migo said:
If you're going to just do QWERTY, you might as well leave the keyboard out altogether and save some money in production.
People manage to use Blackberries and lots of other equipment with a qwerty keyboard easily enough, and most people have several years experience of Qwerty, and thus 'expect' keys to be in a certain position.

I know I probably wouldn't use a portable device if it was the only keyboard which was different to the 'norm' eg. home and work pc using qwerty, pda using colemak or dvorak, simply because the developers thought it would be more efficient. Yes, it most likely would be more efficient, but only after everyone who uses that device has done so many months of training in the use of it.

Lets just stick to something we know works, and we know people know how to use.
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Dead Ghost said:
So...The weekend is gone, still no promised pictures. :( What is happening? :(
Hopefully, you'll get something next week :)

Errmmm. Next week? This week. Oops.
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Squidge said:
Dead Ghost said:
So...The weekend is gone, still no promised pictures. :( What is happening? :(
Hopefully, you'll get something next week :)

Errmmm. Next week? This week. Oops.

Déjà-vu? :lol:

craigix said:
Yes everything should be up and running. We hope to show some stuff very soon.
craigix said:
We have a goal of around Mar/April for the final systems to be shipping out. Some devs are getting PCBs in the next week or two.
I wish all the devs good luck with their new Toy. :)
craigix said:
The good news is you're probably going to see the design in the next 7 days.
He hasn't sayed that he's talking about Earth days. ;)
craigix said:
Unless something unexpected crops up people should be getting something in the post at the end of this week. As we have said before, it will be ready when it's ready.
Who made that song "....expect the unexpected..." ? ^_^
craigix said:
Things are happening, although nothing will arrive until next week. Then there should be some rather interesting forum activity!
THIS forum here? ;)
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fusion_power said:
Nov 13 2007, 05:12 PM: Yes everything should be up and running. We hope to show some stuff very soon.
Nov 14 2007, 05:00 PM: We have a goal of around Mar/April for the final systems to be shipping out. Some devs are getting PCBs in the next week or two.
Nov 19 2007, 01:39 PM: The good news is you're probably going to see the design in the next 7 days.

Although I can't go into details, there has been some unexpected issues that have caused delays, and so everything is taking longer than expected. It also means that devs don't have any toys as of yet, so don't expect any screenshots or benchmarks.
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