Our New Machine, Pandora

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EvilDragon said:
But if anybody is fine with gp2x-style games and doesn't need fancy 3D or something like that, why should he buy the more expensive device?
...because the new console might have a killer feature such as excellent PSX emulation. Contrary to what is said, I'm sure most people won't want two handhelds, they will want one that does everything.

Besides, what reason would there be to develop for the GP2X when the GP3X will have more openness, faster hardware, better screen resolution and more features (wireless, clock, touchscreen, analog stick etc...)
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EvilDragon said:
Well, I, as German distributor, will sell the gp2x as long as people are interested in it.
Regardless of the new system we're currently creating.
I think both units have a place: The gp2x as cheaper gaming device for classic games, the new device as a tad more expensive device with the possibility to have more recent games with 3D, hires and touchpad (taken aside the PDA-like possibilities)

But if anybody is fine with gp2x-style games and doesn't need fancy 3D or something like that, why should he buy the more expensive device?
... Can the new system emulate "Sega32x" ?
- I like the game "Knuckles Chaotix" :D
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realyst said:
Dunno if you can use this concept I had made a coupla years ago. Don't know its feasability(like how much of the nub concept is already patented and the like)

The ring design is to allow easy play of fighting games and such where rotating directions becomes necessary. Your thumb follows the ring naturally anyways. The indented arrows allow the tactile feel of the four cardinal directions. The analogue nub in the middle, purely optional of course, would be unimpeded by the path of the thumb around the ring as you thumb does not naturally fall to the middle of the dpad in a PSX game(it does in a Ninty game due to their design allowing a trace up and down and back and forth, similar to the trace around this design provides).

awesome design - me likes alot
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Cool design! I thought it was a speaker for a sec ;)
Maybe YOU should patent it? Don't you have 5000 USD lying around your house like everyone else?

Lol, I wish I did(have the 5000$ I mean)^^;

I figure that at least by posting it here it'll be 'prior art' or something so some rich bugger can't grab it and patent it himself^~
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realyst said:
Actually, that brings up another good point, GeePeeTooEx is hard to say when someone asks me what I'm playing. Keep the name short and simple, like FreeGame or GameBrick or something of the sort.

Even if you hafta 'trend-it-up'(shudder) and use badly spelled things like GameBri-k
GameBrick - I like that! I would definitely buy it just for that name!
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EvilDragon said:
Well, I, as German distributor, will sell the gp2x as long as people are interested in it.
Regardless of the new system we're currently creating.
I think both units have a place: The gp2x as cheaper gaming device for classic games, the new device as a tad more expensive device with the possibility to have more recent games with 3D, hires and touchpad (taken aside the PDA-like possibilities)

But if anybody is fine with gp2x-style games and doesn't need fancy 3D or something like that, why should he buy the more expensive device?
Near fullspeed SNES and Amiga are some reasons. It will probably never get much better on the GP2X. If the new system has a decent d-pad of some kind then there won't be much need for the GP2X. Of course if it doesn't include good digital controls then I wouldn't even want it. I went through trying to play SNES with horrid controls on the zodiac analog then sold it, and GP2X first edition with diagonal bias wasn't much better. It just wasn't playable. While I couldn't give a crap about fancy 3D (I have that on my PSP and never play it) the new one will be able to run 2D emus faster than the Gp2X.
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Billy Lee said:
GameBrick - I like that! I would definitely buy it just for that name!
Except what would happen if you were hacking one and blasted the firmware? "OMG I just bricked my 'Brick!"
Hm? :P
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norm said:
realyst said:
Dunno if you can use this concept I had made a coupla years ago. Don't know its feasability(like how much of the nub concept is already patented and the like)

The ring design is to allow easy play of fighting games and such where rotating directions becomes necessary. Your thumb follows the ring naturally anyways. The indented arrows allow the tactile feel of the four cardinal directions. The analogue nub in the middle, purely optional of course, would be unimpeded by the path of the thumb around the ring as you thumb does not naturally fall to the middle of the dpad in a PSX game(it does in a Ninty game due to their design allowing a trace up and down and back and forth, similar to the trace around this design provides).

awesome design - me likes alot

The ring doesn't look like it would control well though, maybe if it was thicker or something it would be better. Personally I think you would be better off with a real d-pad and a separate analog if you just have to have one.
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Just on a side note, why does the gp3x, and for that matter, the gp2x have volume buttons instead of a dial? I say get rid of those buttons and put a damn dpad there!
DaveC said:
The ring doesn't look like it would control well though, maybe if it was thicker or something it would be better. Personally I think you would be better off with a real d-pad and a separate analog if you just have to have one.

Thicker I can see. But I thought the issue was that a 'real' dpad couldn't be used?

The analogue thing was an idea that hatched at the same time: the idea came out of how one would design both so they both reside in the same place. I think the bigger reason it wouldn't work is I gather SONY has a patent on the nub-style analogue controller in the same way Ninty has it on the familiar [+](never checked this, though)

It's entirely optional and could probably even be replaced by an extra button.

One issue with it was that it was a bit more work to go from up to down. If you do away with the analogue nub, you could add a slide from top to bottom and left to right(effectively a thin [+]) to allow the finger to slide easier). Though if the circle is small enough and low enough it may not even be necessary. In any case, due to the presence of the ring, even adding the [+] axes to it would violate the patent as the ring itself is the mechanism by which you enter your input digitally. You just qualify the axes as guides.
(even if they're molded into the same plastic as the ring)
As for the way it would control: try it out yourself. To prototype it I used a circular hotglue trail on some cardboard. If you wanna go all the way, you can add microswitches(the type they sell at RadioShack) though I didn't go that far myself(I was going to but they had 2 switches left and only ordered components one each month...and it was a cheesy project:P )

The only problem with the hotglue trick is that even when cold, it's stickier then a glossy plastic would be so the roll worked well until friction and finger sweat started meddling.
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For the last time: the new machine is NOT being developed by gamepark or GPH, it is NOT a successor to the gp2x, it is NOT a GP-anything. It already has its own name (which we do not know yet), but if you want to speculate, please be prepared to use an ounce of imagination. All this referring to a 'gp3x' is frankly getting annoying and to me is almost derogatory; the people involved with this device are much more talented and devoted than GP or GPH.
It's the spiritual successor to 2X. Of we call it GP3X, duh.

jomama said:
Jarska333 said:
jomama said:
4 speakers instead of only 2. portable surround sound, baby!

Dur...? :huh:

Been looking for a small keyboard, that looks nice. :)

who the hell wouldn't want 4 channel audio on a handheld?
i know i would. it would make the sound on it so much better.

Surround doesn't really work without speakers around you head, you know, surrounding you.
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Jarska333 said:
It's the spiritual successor to 2X. Of we call it GP3X, duh.

jomama said:
Jarska333 said:
jomama said:
4 speakers instead of only 2. portable surround sound, baby!

Dur...? :huh:

Been looking for a small keyboard, that looks nice. :)

who the hell wouldn't want 4 channel audio on a handheld?
i know i would. it would make the sound on it so much better.

Surround doesn't really work without speakers around you head, you know, surrounding you.

Yes and no. The DS can fake surround sound. But it still uses only 2 speakers. The use of more would still be silly.

But that's only half the problem. Dolby owns Surround Sound and most of the hacks and tricks used to make it work. If they can get a Dpad in without fearing patent enforcement, I would advise against touching Surround Sound with a 10 foot poll.

Besides, I play my portable in public places like on the bus. If I want sound, I rely on my headphones anyways.
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jomama said:
Just on a side note, why does the gp3x, and for that matter, the gp2x have volume buttons instead of a dial? I say get rid of those buttons and put a damn dpad there!
The GP3X will have a volume dial: http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showt...=38044&hl=#

Volume Control: Hardwired wheel
Source: mfk
Quote: "Also, please make a hardwired volume wheel, don't rely on everyone implementing software volume control in their devices!" ... "Yes. It's there already."
Link: http://www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showt...8044&st=90#
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quartercast said:
For the last time: the new machine is NOT being developed by gamepark or GPH, it is NOT a successor to the gp2x, it is NOT a GP-anything. It already has its own name (which we do not know yet), but if you want to speculate, please be prepared to use an ounce of imagination. All this referring to a 'gp3x' is frankly getting annoying and to me is almost derogatory; the people involved with this device are much more talented and devoted than GP or GPH.
Seeing as it tries to incorporate a PMP, PDA, gaming handheld and UMPC, we should call it the Golden Hammer.
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ummm i know that this isnt that important but what colors would it come in? just black? I would love to see a white unit.
aphexpusher said:
ummm i know that this isnt that important but what colors would it come in?
Each console will come with a free set of crayons so you can color the device in to whatever color you fancy. Once you are bored of that color, you can wipe it of with a wet cloth and change the color. As an added bonus, the crayons can also be used to take notes whilst using the console.

Wouldn't it be fun if that was real?
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Squidge said:
aphexpusher said:
ummm i know that this isnt that important but what colors would it come in?
Each console will come with a free set of crayons so you can color the device in to whatever color you fancy. Once you are bored of that color, you can wipe it of with a wet cloth and change the color. As an added bonus, the crayons can also be used to take notes whilst using the console.

Wouldn't it be fun if that was real?

Sure beats my idea of using chameleon flesh.
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