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Sep 26, 2005
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As usual, google translation is quite a crap, but i think it's clear that the first units will ship with some known bugs:

1. Currently it counts the SD card in the machinery and tools and when the father thing it does not do, there is a bug which recognition cannot the SD card. First after counting the SD card in the machinery and tools, to light the power of the machinery and tools.

OK, something with the SD card doesn't work.

2. The father thing the middle occasionally the father thing there is a case which does not become. This time it puts out a power again and when to light, most department thing becomes. Under solving nu the father thing it does not shorten an hour still not to be able a different big problem point, present time department thing until 22-24 second degree it is caught.

Mh, the father thing? :unsure:

3. Old painting question eastern image (the rain Tray thu 1 mega over) phul ley below case occasionally phul ley is but the case which becomes polyvalent knock-down occurs. Still the attachment problem and speed problem of the SD card are not solved not to be, as the problem which occurs it does.

Again, totally obscure to me...

4. Does not light the machinery and tools lower part the condition which is to come to light in battery insufficient poem the piece which rises the deep-red color back to currently continuously is. It is a program coat bug.

I think this may mean that the "battery exhausted" led is always on, even if the batteries are OK.

5. The gun toe pyu the word meaning magnification, abridgment and rotary function is not embodied still. It is possible only, the JPG, GIF, the PNG and BMP file to see.

The picture viewer does not support rotation.

6. Text pyu the word meaning function is not embodied still perfectly. In order to add the function which the north mark function back is various at once.

Mmmh, obscure.

I think that the SD card is not recognized every time, or have something to do with light power when SD is inserted

I really don't know what's the father thing, something to to with SD? :unsure:

Problems with imagies? some visualization that is not done in the right manner?

I Agree

6. Text pyu the word meaning function is not embodied still perfectly. In order to add the function which the north mark function back is various at once.

some problem in Text visualization (Back function? Back cursor ?)

:blink: :lol:
thanks! you made my day.

"the father thing", "phul ley below case" and the "gun toe pyu"... hilarious.

ahm... back to serious talk: i don't care that much about the picture viewer but the problems with the SD card-recognition are serious, it seems.

releasing the gp2x with a buggy firmware might put off some buyers but i'm sure that they'll fix it in no time. i appreciate GPH's way of sharing their problems with the community, though.
im from korea and maybe will have to say sorry for not good eng ;)

yes, those are only firmware bug. small. ;-)

all gph's dev staff had been into usb driver bug, so they could't fix all bugs.
(and finally they fixed up usb problem ^^)

these bugs will be fixed quickly.

1. Boot with SD In, or sd will not be recognized. it's automount bug. in fact it was solved before but seems that source changed when they fixing last firmware. it'll be fixed by next week.

2. booting stops sometimes, just off/on and it'll be ok. and booting time is not yet optimized well cause they were totally on fixing usb driver. now takes 22~24 seconds. (yeah its linux like zaurus ;) ) will be optimized by 15 seconds. (and more ;) )

3. SD speed bug. bigger than 1M bitrate videos can freeze sometimes while playing on some low speed SDs. just need software adjust.

4. red LED is always on. it's firmware bug. will be fixed very quickly :)

5,6. photo resizing and text bookmark is not yet implemeted. will be added.

again, these are all firmware bugs and will be fixed quikcly.

when you got gp2x, first flash new firmware ;-)

p.s) anyway, i'll get my gp2x tormorrow! :D Hallelujah! :D
p.s2) im trueforce in irc :)
Doesn't sound too serious. How would you go about flashing the firmware though? Did they fix it so you can do it from an SD card or do you still need a serial lead and a special program? I don't even have a SD card yet...
Doesn't sound too serious. How would you go about flashing the firmware though? Did they fix it so you can do it from an SD card or do you still need a serial lead and a special program? I don't even have an SD card yet...

You could flash the firmware in the GP32 via the SMC (that was the only way to do it), By putting the flash.fxe (program) and the new firmware in the root directory of the SMC then running the flash.fxe (program). The serial cable you are talking about is the jtag cable, Which is used as a last resort for people that have had a BAD flash and killed their GP32`s.

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Doesn't sound too serious. How would you go about flashing the firmware though? Did they fix it so you can do it from an SD card or do you still need a serial lead and a special program? I don't even have a SD card yet...

usb is ok and gp2x will work as a usb mass storage device.

just plug usb to pc and copy flashing program to sd and run it on gp2x. :D
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Yeah I know about flashing on the gp32 but I'm wondering about what Squidge said earlier and whether they've fixed it yet.

To flash the firmware do you need a USB cable plugged in and use crappy software on a PC or can you drag the new firmware onto the SD card and run the update from there?

At the moment, you need to use a serial lead (USB is not supported) and use a program that supports Kermit to upload the kernel image. However, GPH are working on a program to be able to flash from SD card.
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Yeah I didn't see Prodo's new post until I had already posted. That's what you get for not updating the page :rolleyes:
So all in all, when it ships it will be slightly more reliable than windows. :D
These are all minor issues, and im sure i speak for everyone when i say:
I'd rather have my gp2x sooner, and flash it myself later.

Those who are concerned, can always opt to wait a few weeks before ordering.
22-24 seconds boot time lol. Even if they optimise it by 15 thats still 7 seconds. Getting more like a windows pc by the day. Does every bit of software have to run under its linux kernel or can that be bypassed and Devs can run applications directly and theres potential for other firmwares like slubman one etc on the gp32?
Please stop being obsessed about "Linux is bad" deceits...

- Linux can use very few CPU, it's used in less powered devices like 68k derivates and running very good. Linux can't use 15% of CPU on GP2X, 1% aprox. or less...

- The slow booting is not a Linux problem, a embedded linux-based system could good in a few seconds, specially if storing the ramdisk image on a flash. Personally, I think 5 seconds or even less is possible on GP2X, but the problem are the GPH engineering's Linux skills, not Linux itself, they could learn distros for PDAs. I think that using always latest kernel (2.6.14) could help in development and speed of all...

- 20MB for the ramdisk loaded into RAM is excesivelly big, that could being reduced a lot and not necessary to have all in memory always.

The issues on GP2X are because Gamepark Holdings are very bad about Linux programming, very newbies and it seems not asking for help/contracting to experienced Linux programmers.

They are extremelly bad with english language and saying things in english very wrong. It seems most marketing/commercial people are on the old Gamepark, (but the old Gamepark was very bad contacting in english and ignoring people mostly all time).

¿The good stuff in the future? Projects like Open2X thanks to the open-source, because GPH engineers are very incompetents in Linux, homebrew developers will must need doing the things right, but this will be possible only if linux skilled developers help those projects...
22-24 seconds boot time lol. Even if they optimise it by 15 thats still 7 seconds. Getting more like a windows pc by the day. Does every bit of software have to run under its linux kernel or can that be bypassed and Devs can run applications directly and theres potential for other firmwares like slubman one etc on the gp32?

Yes. There is already the Open2x project and the original firmware will improve also. However I'd not make such complain about boot time as less than 30s is still not that bad for such system. For a Linux it was a wise choice. The benefits aren't visible now perhaps but they exists and results will show.
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They are extremelly bad with english language and saying things in english very wrong.

¿The good stuff in the future? Projects like Open2X thanks to the open-source, because GPH engineers are very incompetents in Linux, homebrew developers will must need doing the things right, but this will be possible only if linux skilled developers help those projects...

* Waves the "Oh, the irony" flag *


.. and calling them incompetent is a bit harsh, IMHO.
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ATM, even the OS is unoptimized slow, and buggy.

As is the way of all new OS's.

Even windows sucked hardcore when It first came out, (took what 6 years before a half decent one appeared).

If GPH releases the source for all the kernel modifications and tweaked software, then soon you won't be running GPH's OS.

It will be a community maintained OS with constant updates and improvement.
GPH may even help out, and help themselves (by using code from OpenGP2X perhaps?).

There might even be distro's for the GP2X. :o


I'm surprised that they are not multi-threading the startup procedure with 2 cpus.

Betcha its not even a monolithic kernel.

Also someone could do a lean'n'mean RTOS for the system.
My Linksys router is an embedded Linux device - it boots in about 2 seconds. In that time it has to start at the very least web server and a dhcp server and I’m sure quite a few other things. I also have a Linksys Network Attached Storage Device that’s also running embedded Linux. That one takes a full 4 seconds to start, but I’m pretty 2 of those seconds is the time it takes the hard disk to turn on. A well implemented embedded Linux system is not slow to boot.