Other Games I Would Like To See...


Still Fresh
Jul 5, 2008
I am just curious if the pandora will be able to have other non console games run on it, such as: The Longest Journey or Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II? I mean has anyone planed on trying to port non-console games to the pandora? And if so what games would like to see on here (within reason)?
Look, a commercial game like that could never be ported. For something to be ported, it must be open source, as well as meet a few other requirements outlined in a sticky above.
Games have to be open source (or you can try convincing the author to port it) and ideally already have a linux version to be ported to the Pandora. From what I've seen, however, that's never stopped anyone from suggesting games to port, even though there's a sticky about it. I do not believe either of the two games you mentioned fall in that category.

The main games I am hoping for are Quake III (which will almost certainly be ported), Freespace 2, Nexuiz, and Spring, though the last two might be challenging.
i did find an open source engine that a group once started to make to play dark forces 2, but it never got anywhere near complete, besides that, there's not much i know about these two games.
I bet that Nexuiz will run just fine on the Pandora. It might need a bit of optimization, but the engine is a quake I derivative.
Eh, I don't know. That's why I said it might be difficult. If it is possible, it will certainly require optimization, the question is really a matter of how much. I really hope we do get it running. I can just play Nexuiz on my Pandora and the analog sticks will be my handicap (compared to keyboard/mouse), so I can stop 'pwning' nearly everyone I meet. :P