Osama bin laden is dead

I am a New Yorker here. I saw the events of 9/11. I was there. I am glad Bin Laden is dead. But I have to agree in part here. I can't understand the celebrating in the streets. Its been a rough 10 years for all NYCer's down here.... but frankly I feel jaded about the whole celebratory event.

All those American and Allied soldiers lives lost to bring one man to justice. All those civilians killed. For one man.

Yes I am glad he's dead.... but there is always another to take his place. I don't know how I should feel.
Conspiracy theorists will have a field day with the, "Buried at Sea" Islamic burial reasoning.
Conspiracy theorists will have a field day with the, "Buried at Sea" Islamic burial reasoning.
gee i wonder why...anybody thats looking for proof beyond reasonable doubt will be questioning the actions after the kill. me on the other hand, i cant wait until gas prices drop to $1 a gallon again! :/
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Lets look at this objectively. A man was hunted and executed without trial. This is not a time to celebrate. Death is never a time of celebration. On a side note they must of got his address from the PSN leak.
It only cost US$1 trillion, 10 years, 2,340 coalition, 8,739+ Afghan forces & 1000s of civilians/innocent deaths
Just another loss of human life.... a victory that he's out of the picture, no doubt. But that an entire nation is celebrating a death as if it were a sports win is sickening to my soul.
I agree with these guys, people are gathering in MASSIVE crowds in the US to celebrate death. I'd say that dying maybe what he disserved, but we don't go down to the local prison to celebrate convicts getting executed either.
Good points, indeed.

The celebrations going on are mainly celebrating revenge and only serve to fuel the megalomania of the USA. This in turn will increase hatred and help recruit people for more terrorist attacks against the western world.

Being executed like this is not justice. Imprisonment or a death sentence (which I am no proponent of either) would have been way better. The guy was in hiding and cut of from the world. This won't make the world any safer, but his martyrdom will inspire a next generation.

I agree; I also felt the same when they were talking about the death of three of Gaddafi's grandsons a few days ago by NATO. Yes, Gaddafi might be an enemy, but they're just kids.

Honestly that's why I like watching Doctor Who. He's even trying to save the Daleks or the Master at times because he's just that nice of a guy. It's a good message for kids. Of course in the last episode they were happily shooting aliens....a turn for the worse in that series?
Good Riddance! :D I hope he's still alive and they're torturing him for the rest of his numbered days! But I do believe he's dead. :( 66 years to the day Hitler was declared dead no less! I was there on 9/11, and the only choices some of those people had was burn or jump. Hardly an option. A shot to the head was too quick and easy a death for a P.O.S. like that! Political correctness can be downright sickening at times, and there should be no such thing as "proper" for a sheer evil monster like that. Again, Good Riddance! :D
I just heard that crapbag used his wife as a human shield before he died.

I can understand hiding in holes and caves, being a martyr or doing what you believe is right and kill infidels etc etc.. but if someone came in my own house with a gun, hell even a whole navy seal team, the first thing between them and my family would be my body.

that is a whole new level of low. IMO
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It only cost US$1 trillion, 10 years, 2,340 coalition, 8,739+ Afghan forces & 1000s of civilians/innocent deaths
Just another loss of human life.... a victory that he's out of the picture, no doubt. But that an entire nation is celebrating a death as if it were a sports win is sickening to my soul.
I agree with these guys, people are gathering in MASSIVE crowds in the US to celebrate death. I'd say that dying maybe what he disserved, but we don't go down to the local prison to celebrate convicts getting executed either.
Good points, indeed.

The celebrations going on are mainly celebrating revenge and only serve to fuel the megalomania of the USA. This in turn will increase hatred and help recruit people for more terrorist attacks against the western world.

Being executed like this is not justice. Imprisonment or a death sentence (which I am no proponent of either) would have been way better. The guy was in hiding and cut of from the world. This won't make the world any safer, but his martyrdom will inspire a next generation.

I agree; I also felt the same when they were talking about the death of three of Gaddafi's grandsons a few days ago by NATO. Yes, Gaddafi might be an enemy, but they're just kids.

Honestly that's why I like watching Doctor Who. He's even trying to save the Daleks or the Master at times because he's just that nice of a guy. It's a good message for kids. Of course in the last episode they were happily shooting aliens....a turn for the worse in that series?

Just thought I'd add:

10 years, $1.2 trillion dollars, 5,885 US military casualties, 104,588 civilian casualties, and two war torn countries later, we have Osama bin Laden. We won? WTF?

Lets take a step back in history here. Does anyone remember those guys who called themselves the USSR? Oh yeah! That's right! We won because we BANKRUPTED THEM! One man and 3 airplanes totally crippled our country. If this is victory then I want no part of it.

We have created more of these extremists because of our stupidity. I am not saying that Osama did not deserve his fate, far from it, but how was any of this a good thing? I can only speak for myself, but I vow to never be fooled by 'patriotism' again. I must admit that I am as guilty as anyone when it came to saying 'go get those guys that hurt us'. I cannot apologize and say anything because hindsight is 20-20, but I can change my future opinions. None of this war was worth the price we paid. This was not finding the guy who robbed the liquor store on the corner. We committed genocide on a people who did not even deserve it.

If those WBC morons went over to the Middle East killed 3k people and then those countries came and bombed the shit out of 100k of our citizens WHO HAD NO IDEA WHO THE FUCK THE WBC EVEN WERE what do you think would happen? Make no mistake this war had nothing to do with justice, revenge or any other banner you want to tack on it. That moron would have died soon enough, he had liver disease. I will say it again, I am as guilty as everyone else in my country when we were all crying out for 'justice'. But I won't let this happen again, I will protest ALL future wars (unless mother fucking aliens, zombies or vampires attack). In the modern arena there is no reason to use force except for defense.

This is a time for reflection, not celebration.
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Now the US just needs to kill the rest of the 'terrorist' organizations, break the will of the people and claim the oil for themselves.

The 9/11 thing was just a convenient excuse to intensify the Resource War.

What the... what is that and why does it exist?
He's dead, great, now let's move on. I won't be joining in on any celebrations but at the same time I won't judge anyone that does. He had to die, he was the stereotypical bad-guy, the boogeyman, to most Americans. It wasn't so much a man that was killed, it was a symbol. An entire country was traumatized so the celebrations shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. The same thing would happen in any country had 9/11 happened there. I'd think a little more before I started looking down on people from the moral high ground! Then again, I'm American so I guess that makes me a "megalomaniac". :rolleyes:
A complete monster getting what he deserves and being removed from the face of the earth is always a cause for celebration. :lol:

It's also worth noting that some of the intel that led the U.S. to him came from waterboarding terrorists. Make of that what you will.
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I can't say I'm "glad" that he's dead. But it certainly doesn't bother me. I can't imagine any situation where I would go celebrate in the streets over his death. But I also didn't know anyone he killed. I know closure's just another word for vengeance, but I can't say I'd definitely be above wanting either.

But how Americans react as individuals and as a nation should be lead our own morals and ethics, not fear. Pulling out of Iraq early would "embolden the terrorists". Even discussing pulling out of Iraq would "embolden the terrorists". Even what we put in our cartoons can cause the terrorists to attack. And don't celebrate the death of a mass murderer, that will embolden the hell out of them. Seriously, fuck the terrorists.
lets not forget that these so called terrorists were once considered freedom-fighters by even the us govt