Osama bin laden is dead


Aug 22, 2010
Osama Bin Laden has been killed in a CIA covert operation; with his body inside the United States...
I just heard.. About time they got him, 9/11 was 10 years ago :P

*Prepares for every channel on youtube to make 10 videos talking about it.*
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i am happy he is dead, but was it worth it:

It only cost US$1 trillion, 10 years, 2,340 coalition, 8,739+ Afghan forces & 1000s of civilians/innocent deaths
Well I guess this turned out to be the only good thing to come out of the PSN being down ..... The US soldiers were so bored from not being able to play Socom4 online that they just went out and finally caught Bin Laden.
i am happy he is dead, but was it worth it:

It only cost US$1 trillion, 10 years, 2,340 coalition, 8,739+ Afghan forces & 1000s of civilians/innocent deaths

well, a high price for that and of course, nobody really believes that the terror stops with the death of osama ...
I'm sooooooooooo glad that they finally killed the one man who was responsible for hacking & single-handedly bringing down the...

What AquaAnalogue & Scorpio said…

The first thing that popped to my mind is that he's got 10 years to make several successors.
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It only cost US$1 trillion, 10 years, 2,340 coalition, 8,739+ Afghan forces & 1000s of civilians/innocent deaths

Just another loss of human life.... a victory that he's out of the picture, no doubt. But that an entire nation is celebrating a death as if it were a sports win is sickening to my soul.

I agree with these guys, people are gathering in MASSIVE crowds in the US to celebrate death. I'd say that dying maybe what he disserved, but we don't go down to the local prison to celebrate convicts getting executed either.
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oh well the west will have to invent a new enemy now,no hang on that's Gadaffi poor sod!
It only cost US$1 trillion, 10 years, 2,340 coalition, 8,739+ Afghan forces & 1000s of civilians/innocent deaths
Just another loss of human life.... a victory that he's out of the picture, no doubt. But that an entire nation is celebrating a death as if it were a sports win is sickening to my soul.
I agree with these guys, people are gathering in MASSIVE crowds in the US to celebrate death. I'd say that dying maybe what he disserved, but we don't go down to the local prison to celebrate convicts getting executed either.
Good points, indeed.

The celebrations going on are mainly celebrating revenge and only serve to fuel the megalomania of the USA. This in turn will increase hatred and help recruit people for more terrorist attacks against the western world.

Being executed like this is not justice. Imprisonment or a death sentence (which I am no proponent of either) would have been way better. The guy was in hiding and cut of from the world. This won't make the world any safer, but his martyrdom will inspire a next generation.
Careful what you say, guys; don't want the site to look like it's run by terrorists, now, do we?