Ordered My Blu!


Erm.... Woohoo!
Mar 31, 2004
Pittsburg, KS
I'm so excited about finally getting to play GP32 again after several months, that I just have to shout it out! I ordered my BLU from Lik-Sang just a little while ago! Hopefully it arrives by the end of the week (if stock arrives tomorrow like they anticipate)! 1-3 day shipping by UPS! I can't wait to see how "The Fifth Element" will look on the lit system! I can't wait to start playing GPDoom again!
nice, I preodered with Liksang to. I hope I get mine at the end of the week also... I bought a 128 smc, card writer, BLU, and Kimichimen or whatever. I live in MA with 1-3 UPS shipping. Its now a race to see who gets theres first from Liksang :P
well i picked the cheapest shipping and im in the uk i actualluy am missing my flu even tho b4 i sold it i didnt use it that much. Maybe ill get mine first :P
It´s worth the wait. Just wait untill you see the vibrant blues of the Castaway menu´s or Frodo´s blue c64 screen. Running LittleJohn full screen is amazing on the Blu!

I got mine from GBAX, they were offering them before Lik-Sang was and they supplied me with a 166Mhz garanteed machine!

My girlfriend uses my ´old´ regular gp32
and I use the Blu. But still use the classic gp32 when I want to play my full version of Pinball Dreams!

CHeers, Mark
Grr! My shipment might be delayed a day, b/c they had me put my credit card # in again. Funny, they accepted it without a hitch yesterday, and the same again today. I hope they take it for good this time. Well, it might not be delayed if they haven't shipped any of them out yet. I still hope I get it by the end of the week. It's been months since I've been able to play a GP!
I am now DEFINATELY not going to be the first to get my BLU from Lik-Sang. For some reason they WON'T PROCESS THE CREDIT CARD. I had to pay using Paypal, and I just did so. So unless the 1-3 day shipping turns out to be the 1-day, I won't have it until sometime next week.

Edit: I just realized, I'm in GP32 hardcore now!