Anyone Sold There Gp32 To Get A Blu?


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2003
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i was just wonderin if i was lucky as i put my gp flu on ebay with one 128mb card. I started the bidding at £50 then put a buy it now at £105 thinkin no one would really buy it now for £105 as you could get a blu for that but someone DID!!! :o. Now ive ordered my blu from lik-sang and with postage it comes to just under £105 :D
Obviously the person who bought it didn't shop around. Still good for you. I intend to get a BLU180 perhaps in the next few weeks, but I won't get rid of my old one, I will just keep it in a box somewhere, can't explain why, but I'll keep it.
Yeah, my FLU, with a bag, 64 meg smc, unregulated power supply and her knights went for £125. Really crazy. I thought that I was pushing the buy it now at £125, but maybe I should have set it higher as it was snapped up right away!
sold my nonlit gp32 for £85 to get me a BLU but been temped over to the darkside to buy a PPC - Need something sexy, can only so many `is that a gameboy`
I sold my FLU to a co-worker for a measly $100. I'm a nice guy, what can I say? :lol: