1. What device did you mostly dev for before the pandora came on the scene?
2. How does the pandora compare to this device devving wise?
3. What is the biggest downside to the pandora devving wise?
4. What is the biggest pro about pandora devving?
5. What would you change or need, to make the pandora a better machine to dev for?
6. Anything else you like to share about this subject?
Let's see...
1. I bounce about devices a lot.. I have done some stuff for most things though, some even got released and can still be found
I do wish I did more on the GP32 and got something finished enough to release though.. I liked the GP32..
2. As the Pandora is essentially a mini-computer, it wipes the floor with most other handhelds and consoles just by being able to have GDB et al actually on the device to figure out what's gone wrong. Granted some of the tools that have been developed on other machines are very nice, nothing really beats the "I've crashed, this is why" on the actual device running it, should you have forgotten to link up your debugger at the time.
3. I'm going to echo mostly what's already been said for this - lack of feedback as there's not so many Pandoras out there that seem to come to the forums for some reason and test stuff. Though I do also think that perhaps we should have a stringent "Official" dev environment as although it's pretty awesome that you can set it up any which way you want, I bet it's confusing as sin for people new to the platform! And I'm well aware I'm one that contributes to the confusion!
4. Kind of already answered this, but I'll repeat anyway - being able to install dev tools on the device to figure out why it's crashed, and it being open enough to create your toolchain any way you like.
5. Other than a "this is the Official supported dev environment" on something for new developers, I don't really see much else.. most things are just down to lack of developers tackling it at the moment, so things like SDL can be a bit unoptimised still.. but will get better as more Pandoras get into developer hands, or developers find a fountain of free time!
6. It's actually quite exciting to be in the dev community just now, as more adventurous ports and things are coming out. More GLES stuff is appearing, for example. Fun times ahead! Here's hoping I can help contribute something to it all this time