Sell SD cards pre-loaded for Pandora?

it will be pirated, everything will be pirated and always has but it really shouldn't be a concern, I do know, however, that SD cards have some form of built in DRM and I think the pandora does too.
torpor said:
And when I get a Pandora and have had a chance to get some things running on it, you'll see what I mean when I say its a kick-ass system for music-making!! :)

I am 110% looking forward to seeing what you can achieve!
I for one wouldn't buy software on an SD card, I don't want someone else deciding what card I would have it on or pay the extra to have it delivered. Any enviroment that your software needs can simply be included with the download and then copied onto an SD card accordingly. Most people that will have the Pandora will be able to put things where they need to go, you could also just write an installer to load up the card approriately.
I don't have a problem with the concept of buying software on SD card, but hre are my thoughts:

Can you offer SD cards cheaper than the largest online retailers? If not, I'm likely to be paying more than if I download your app and put it onto my own SD card.

What happens when someone has, or says they have, a faulty card?

Distance selling regulations could be a major bummer.

With digital distribution, you get the cash quicker, the customer gets the product quicker.

On a similar note, people could probably get a pirated copy far quicker than your SD copy.

What about updates? Have I got to buy another card?

Digital distribution enables scaled down trial versions.

With physical distribution, you are creating a level of human labour required for every sale. Digital distribution could be fully automated.

I could probably go on. Just embrace the new digital age. You will be better placed for future developments.

Looking forward to seeing your software though. You have any teasers / videos etc of existing stuff?
I think it may be better to do what they did with the GP32, supply a CD packed full off goodies with instructions on how to install and use.
Well, there aren't that many goodies yet... Those will be available for the second batch