Opinion On Gp32 And Gp2x

Actually I dont feel much anti-PSP sentiment, if anything it's anti-PSP SCENE sentiment. Usually anytime the XGP comes up people will say "get a PSP instead", sounds like an endorsement to me. What people dislike is the way the PSP scene is filled with rumors, anger and infighting which is probably caused by stress over worrying if the next FW update is going to kill their scene off.

I love mine but with the PSP it's always going to be a battle between sticking with homebrew or playing some new hot game that might need an upgrade and frankly it's annoying. I'd much rather not had the ability to play homebrew than have to keep worrying about someday possibly loosing it. If the best solution on PSP is to have two of them and downgrade/never update one than there's something a little wrong.

The GP2x is hassle free to me, sure I wish it were a little more powerful (or atleast had more assureance that it's as powerful as I think it to be) But I know it's bound to offer me homebrew entertainment even if I end up getting rid of 1.5 on my PSP at some point in the future.
Alpha2 posted on Sep 29 2005 at 07:26 PM said:
I love mine but with the PSP it's always going to be a battle between sticking with homebrew or playing some new hot game that might need an upgrade and frankly it's annoying.

Yes it is very annoying, its like making something illegal.

The PSP is really a milestone in videogaming, that Sharp LCD gives an outstanding image quality, and the sound is Sound with capital letter.

But if someone manage to make a full speed PSX emu for PSP, (Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, Castlevania SOL, Gdarius, Raystorm, r-type Delta, Tomb raider 1, etc etc.
) or a port of a recent MAME version, I will question myself about a second PSP just for homebrew.

For the current emulation I am very happy with the GP32: DrMD, GPengine and MAME 0.34 is something to crave about.

And yes I will get a GP2X somewhere in time, the Linux portable gaming machine will have something to say. Lets hope a high quality screen.

A final comment on PSP - there are some rumors that there is a chance of an official Flash Player, if that happens oh my... the PSP scene will explode.

just my 2 cents
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I agree with ssdietsch here.
I woud be OK if any of you PSP haters actually owned the thing and then had gripes about it. But you guys are just flaming.
I like both the GP32 and the PSP. The emulation games on the GP32 are great, but you can't play something like Wipeout or the new Burnout game on the PSP and tell me they are not great.
Flame on guys, but you really are missing out if you don't get a PSP just because of what some fanboy says on a forum...

ssdietsch posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:25 AM said:
i can't believe how antiPSP this site has become/always been.  personally i play more emus on my PSP than on my gp32, which is now more reserved for homebrew since the PSP homebrew hasn't impressed me much.  nesterj is spectactular (as if littlejohn wasn't on the gp32).  ou_snes9x runs snes on the PSP better than anything on the gp32 (starfox runs at 14fps - not too playable but quite an accomplishment).  the PSP genesis  emulator works great (not as compatible as drmd).  my personal favorite is the neogeoCD emulator which runs metal slug 1 & 2 with the lowest dip in fps being about 40 (upper 50s most of the time all the way up to full speed depending on sprite count).  basically i have an old nlu that i bought when liksang first started selling them, so my fascination with having a lit screen is one reason that i keep coming back to the PSP (that along with a fun library of PSP games that i don't mind being ports of PS2 games since i only use that ugly old machine for gt4).  for me gp32 = homebrew and PSP = emu.
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I believe I could play Wipeout on PSP and say it's not good. Because I don't like those kind of games. When PSP has few good turn-based RPG's give me a call.
I have a PSP sitting on my shelf collecting dust at the moment. I have four games: Lumines, Ridge Racer, Wipeout and Dynasty Warriors for it. Only Lumines has had any decent play time on it. As for homebrew and movie capabilities, memory cards are expensive, movies have to be converted and the only saving grace (for me) is the Neo Geo CD emu for it.

The fact is that some of the forum users dont want 3d games, they want to play the titles they enjoyed in the past and the GP2X seems to fit the bill. Personally I have never played my PSP in public, only round friends houses and at home, so the point I keep on wondering about is whether I should buy games for my home consoles instead?
Just to stick my oppinion in here as a bystander without any handheld... I was going to buy a PSP over the GPX2 when it came out last month, until I started to research it a little. To start off the price of the PSP doesnt seem to much. £180 here in the UK for a sleak looking all in one multimedia machine, Sounds like a dream come true! :)

That was until I found out that I had to buy a Sony Duo Memory Stick (£90/1Gb) :( Then on top of that each game I bought would cost me an extra £30 each! Thats already £330 for a PSP with 1Gb memory and two games :o I could buy a fairly decent entry level PC/laptop for that much or even an Xbox 360 with game for XMAS! So I thought about it for awhile and decided to read somemore about what it could offer me apart from games...

Ooh WiFi, decent hardware specs! Maybe this thing can be hacked and I could just play emus on it and forget about the commercial games I thought to myself while heading to the nearest PSP forum. Err WTF is this!?! "All European PSP are version 1.51 or higher meaning none of the emus or homebrew will work on it" AND if I want to watch any movies/TV shows I have to re-encode them first... O.. t.. h.. e.. r w.. i.. s.. e.. I have to pay another £15 for each UMD movie that I ALREADY own on DVD! :angry:

I started to realise that this was just another Sony money making invention the sad thing is they are losing a lot of customers because of their greedy corperate tactics! The PSP could be a killer machine its 3D hardware alone is miles ahead of the GP2X but two games wouldnt last me two weeks no matter how good they were, and I cant afford to keep hoping that the latest firmware wont cripple my new £330 gadget from playing anything but expensive games. <_< Needless to say I didnt buy one.

So there you go, the true story of why an average man (me) will probably never own a PSP (unless its free), its not that they arent good enough or arent better than GP2X's, thats not the point. Its the fact that they cost too much to own in the long run and if I know Sony like I think I do they will do everything in their power to stop emulators and homebrew taking off, you know why? Because without anything else to use on their PSP's people will always have to go out and buy the latest games :(

Life should be about freedom, people should be able do what they want with a machine once its legally theirs not be tied down by legistlation and Sony's never ending firmware updates!
bagmouse7 posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:12 PM said:
I agree with ssdietsch here.
I woud be OK if any of you PSP haters actually owned the thing and then had gripes about it. But you guys are just flaming.
I like both the GP32 and the PSP. The emulation games on the GP32 are great, but you can't play something like Wipeout or the new Burnout game on the PSP and tell me they are not great.
Flame on guys, but you really are missing out if you don't get a PSP just because of what some fanboy says on a forum...

There is I doubt any PSP haters anywhere in these forums. I bet if you look around for messages involving PSP you will find very little of people flaming.

I don't have to own a PSP because
1) Expensive/obscure storage
2) Expensive to Buy
3) Expensive Games
4) Restictive Use
5) Expensive Movies

I don't need to own one to know what it can do. For the price of buying a PSP + Games + Storage your starting to venture into some serious money. In reality because of the exobiant cost of the storage(and sony limiting its size). Its cheaper to Buy a GP2X and use that for movies/music/videos/homebrew.

I do find it amusing the way you've used the term fanboy in your post.
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yaustar posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:59 PM said:
..., so the point I keep on wondering about is whether I should buy games for my home consoles instead?

Exactly that is kind of my feeling about my PSP. When I first bought it I was like WOW ridge racer on a portable and it looks fantastic. It really was cool but then like you say I kept thinking that when I want to play 3D games with great Gfx that is what my Xbox is for. The Xbox is on a much larger screen has better graphics and sound etc so for 3D I mostly play that now.

For 2D and retro though I play my GP32. Why not the PSP? I don't really know for sure there is just something keeping me from moving over to it. The emus are great, maybe it is the stretching, slow LCD, and D-pad that I am not big on. Maybe it is the scene, I don't know. I am not anti-PSP though, I like it, it won't replace my GP32 and soon GP2X though.
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yaustar posted on Sep 29 2005 at 09:59 PM said:
so the point I keep on wondering about is whether I should buy games for my home consoles instead?

Or buying games for PC, Half life 2 plays like a dream. But PSP its a small, easy to carry portable machine with advanced game capabilities. Office WC ready :) Its also a money vacuum cleaner on disguise. <_<

Ninjia^ posted on Sep 29 2005 at 10:08 PM said:
if I know Sony like I think I do they will do everything in their power to stop emulators and homebrew taking off, you know why? Because without anything else to use on their PSP's people will always have to go out and buy the latest games :(

Life should be about freedom, people should be able do what they want with a machine once its legally theirs not be tied down by legistlation and Sony's never ending firmware updates!

GP2X is more a platform than a console, thats its strong point GPH knows that very well, they dont want to clash with Nintendo or Sony, so GP2X as born with Linux open source spirit, you buy the machine the software is free. For the people by the people. A symbol of art and mankind.
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